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Long-time viewers will know one of the things I am probably most associated with developing is a pvp exploit that I call  "entrapment". 

Entrapment is the practice of luring or moving another player into a poorly designed area of terrain where once trapped the player cannot escape by normal means. The following is a guide to its practice in pvp battlegrounds.

By far the easiest and most effective method to practice entrapment is with the use of the warlock ability "Shadow Rift", however depending on the location it may be possible to use other methods, here is a list:

Class Abilities

Death Grip (Death Knight)

Ursol's Vortex (Druid)

Illidan's Grasp (Demon Hunter)

Engineering Items

Gravitational Displacer

Sticky Warp Grenade

Enemy Abilities

Charge (Warrior)

Shadowstrike (Rogue)

(these abilities put the enemy player in the player's location leading to entrapment possibilities.)

Shadow Rift Countermeasure

Some time last year Blizzard instituted a countermeasure against the use of entrapment. After being ported to a specific location a player who does not move will be teleported back to their original location. Knowing this can be useful if you yourself are hit by a warlock using entrapment-simply remain motionless for 20 seconds and you will be ported out. 

Note that even in this case the use of entrapment is still very effective: a 20-second stun is a very long time in wow pvp.

The countermeasure only occurs after Shadow Rift: all other methods are not affected.

Entrapment Locations 

To get map co-ordinates for battlegrounds download the add-on "map co-ords".  This only works with the cursor in battlegrounds not the player location (so hover over the player on the map when you want the player location).

Battle For Gilneas 

64,68 - This is an iron cage at the Water Works. A warlock can use Eye Of Kilrogg to place a demonic circle inside the cage. 

68, 37 This is the actual mine inside the mines battleground area. The actual mine can be accessed by an Eye Of Kilrogg. It can also be blinked through or accessed by similar teleport abilities. A chair or see-saw toy will also go through the entrance. 

Enemy players can be ported inside with Shadow Rift or any of the class abilities or items mentioned above. A mage can even Polymorph  an enemy player through the entrance with luck. Finally rogues and warriors can simply be lured inside by standing on the inside of the entrance and waiting for them to attack with Shadowstrike or Charge. 

Alterac Valley 

This one is arguably the most powerful pvp exploit in wow as it disconnects multiple players for the entire battle.

(You will need a Stomrpike or Frostwolf insignia for this one which is warlock-only)

The Dun Baldar fortress has a normally inaccessible area on its right-hand side. A warlock can access this area with a demonic gateway placed strategically at 


The gateway should launch you on top of the right-hand side of the fortreess at 

43 14 

Once on top of the fortress hung the wall in front of you and go right through the gap (larger 

classes will have to wriggle a bit) , go into walk mode and then drop down from the ledge


 43 13 

Jump into the crack at the edge of the fortress and place your demonic circle.  Now use your Stormshield/Frostwolf insignia. You can port players into an infinite disconnect loop whilst hugging the right-hand wall of Dun Baldar fortress.


The beginning of this battleground often takes place at Ring Of Conquest where the powerful artifact weapon spawns. 

At co-ordinates

36, 52 

There is a stockade against a wall.If you jump into the corner of the stockade you cannot get out. A warlock can place a demonic gateway on the other side of the stockade which can be accessed from the inside allowing the warlock to escape.

At co-ordinates

48 43 

South of Emberfall Tower there is an entrapment location that is very easy to miss. It is a crack between a broken pillar and the side of a hill. Again to access this point it is essentialto put a demonic gateway accessible to the warlock next to the entrapment location to avoid getting stuck in it. 

This one is essentially for warlocks but I have managed to lure the odd warrior into this point. 

The best location for defending Stormshield as alliance is:


On the right-hand side of the gazebo just south of the Gates there is an area between the right-hand post at the back and a weapon rack. Smaller classes can wiggle into this space and get themselves stuck. It is possible but not easy to get out by excessive wriggling - though for warlocks a demonic gateway is faster.

This is primarily for locks though I have used it effectively as a death knight. 

There are two final locations, at


There is an area at the bottom of the tree  which is inescapable. This is only for advanced players-it is extremely difficult to get the placement right. That said if you can do it is in a very useful location to port players as it breaks up an advancing enemy attack or forces a retreat.

Finally there is a location which is too obvious to require co-ordinates in the Stormshield dungeon-an iron cage .Eye Of Kilrogg can be glitched into the cage-this requires a lot of trial and error-you essentially have to cast the eye into a wall and hope it bounces back into the cage area. 

Twin Peaks 

57, 20

The area between the wall and the crates in the Alliance fortress is inescapable with correct placement, though it can be awkward to get the placement correct. An additional problem is that players often bypass this area altogether. When pulled off successfully it devastates the enemy team however because of the small size of the battleground an individual player is critical. 


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