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The following exploit will work in all forms of WoW. It can be done solo in retail but requires a second account in Season Of Disoovery and other forms of Classic WoW.

To extend instance lockout indefinitely do the following:

1. Run dungeons until you hit instance cap (obviously).

2. Have someone or a second account character to join your group. 

3. Reset the instance

4. Get them to enter the dungeon.

5. Take your character into the dungeon. You will find this bypasses the lockout

There are many, many ways to exploit this to your advantage-from simply allowing you to farm more gold from dungeons, to farm trash endlessly near the entrance, to using some of the more exotic dungeon farming methods in the archives here (eg using priest mind  vision to farm khorium or titanium ore ultra-fast). 



It's not really endless, unless you have alot of chars than can, de-facto, enter inside Shadow Lab into another realm. Don't misunderstand me, you just could need a mage high enough (into the main account) to make a portal to Shattrat that you can take with a char into the second account. but to do it endlessly, well, it's not exactly that, when the second char reach the lockout cap, you need another char, etc


P.S. what about Titanium? Wich dungeon is best to farm it like Khorium in Shadow Lab?