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Recently there was a post on the official bug report forum from a player who claimed to have been hit for 300K-800K* damage by a rogue using the caustic spatter, talent in Orgrimmar.


The post does not explain the exploit. However, I was able to reverse-engineer it.

It works like this:

1. Choose the caustic spatter talent from the assassination rogue tree.

2. Apply deadly poison to your weapon.

3. Find an npc that cannot die but is low-level.

4. Apply rupture.

5. Use mutilate

6. Watch everything around you die.

The difficult part is finding a npc that cannot die at low-level.  Since the bug report post states the player was in Orgrimmar the npc that was used is very likely this one:


This npc was featured in a similar death knight exploit Rextroy posted some months back. https://youtu.be/HC2wiCrxPtY?t=382

Rextroy's initial exploit was fixed but the same npc can be used with any ability that does secondary damage based on initial damage without modifiers, as with caustic spatter.

*Note that caustic spatter actually ticks for 10 seconds for this amount so no player will be able to survive a full application even if they survive the initial tick(s).



On which other Rogue ability could be this usable?

Argjent Aziri

Lol that was me he is talking about xD


Anyone found another npc to work this on yet?