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The following is a rough guide to Season Of Discovery (hereafter SOD) exploits.

Some basic stuff:

Season Of Discovery is essentially WoW Classic with relatively minor changes. For this reason It will have relatively few exploits since Blizzard have had almost 20 years to fix the game.All pre-existing exploits in WoW Classic exist ie exploits that were never fixed in WoW Classic transfer over to SOD.

That said the altered gameplay of SOD creates some interesting possibilities:

1. Waylaid Supplies

The new "Waylaid Supplies" items are unique. A way to massively speed up their acquisition is to destroy every one you find and then use item restoration to restore a number of them when turning them in at a capital city.

2. Powerful Treasure Chest Exploit-Pacify Mobs With Level 1's And Generate Gold

Because max level in SOD is limited to 25, treasure chests, at higher level in the open world, which drop valuable items, were removed. However they still exist in zones which are playable at 25.

It is possible to park level 1's in chest areas where there are no hostile npc's. There are limited number of such locations and they tend to be camped or otherwise looted heavily.

Here is an alternative strategy which can be used to loot chests using level 1's where there are hostile npc's and consequently are not looted so frequently or even at all. It requires an evade location-this is a piece of scenery npc's cannot jump onto that players can.

a) Open two clients.

b) Make two level 1's and run them over to a treasure chest spawn location (you will usually die several times doing this). Here is a link to all classic wow chest locations:


c) Place a level 1 character on an evasion location ie on a piece of scenery near to but out of reach hostile npc's.

d) Log-in on the second client to your other level 1 - do not log out of the first client log straight in on the second. Your first character should still be visible in-game and can pacify mobs for up to a minute before disappearing.

e) Loot the treasure chest with your second character. Repeat this multiple times. Hearth back to your starter location when your backpack is full, vendor the items and send them to an alt.

This is a very powerful and unpublished technjque to make gold in all forms of Classic WoW.

3. Lag

Lag is useful in all wow content but especially so in SOD since it will allow players to sneak past mobs quickly for various lucrative strategies such as looting chests or targeting rares while bypassing trash especially in dungeons.

To induce lag use this link to download the program lag7:


4. Log-out Skips

Log-out skips work in SOD. This is a technique developed by hardcore wow players to teleport to graveyards by climbing onto objects underground with transparent edges and logging out and/or jumping off an object and pressing alt+f4 while in mid-air.  This saves an extraordinary amount of time while travelling.

5.) Food crates and barrels

Food crates and barrels can be used as a source of revenue similar to treasure chests using level 1's as described in 3) above. Although less lucrative than chests, crates and barrels spawn very frequently making them competitive with treasure chests overall-and other players do not notice them and loot them normally. It is generally much better to sell food items on the auction house rather than vendor them.

6. X-Ray Vision

One of the most useful exploits ever this method was originally designed and posted here for retail wow but was eventually fixed-however it still works in all versions of Classic-including it seems Season Of Discovery.

To see through all permanent objects simply set environment detail to 1 on raid graphic settings and 10 on normal. This will cause all permanent objects to vanish for a split second effectively making them transparent.


Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Lot of people on social media talking about a fix but no actual confirmation from any one who has tried it. I can't test it because ir is on lockdown obviously. Would appreciate confirmation from any one who can try it..