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This is the first in a series of posts about making real life money from money using various techniques.  Players who do not have more than one account will be interested in the section at the end about how to multi-box legally without paying for multiple accounts.

I've tried to simplify this approach as much as possible in this article - you could write a book on this subject. 

It is well-established that gold, accounts or items can be sold for real money on third party websites (eg playerauctions.com )*. In popular culture and mainstream media there is an excessive focus on gold farming for this purpose-in fact gold farming solo is probably the worst possible way to make RL money as the effective salary is tiny by the standards of western european or US economies.

However there are various ways to improve returns dramatically. 


 Multi-boxing can multiply whatever profits from gold-farming on an individual character. Obviously if you are making $2 an hour farming gold 10 characters will make $20-which begins to look reasonable as an hourly wage.

The best guide I have found to the actual practice of multi-boxing (BY FAR) is here:


(Note Kraken's video is about wow but it can be used for most video games)

Multi-boxing does not by itself violate wow's terms and conditions. Alt-Tabbing multiple characters in multiple windows and pressing a key repeatedly manually is legally. What is explicitly forbidden by the T&C is software which mirrors key presses across multiple windows/characters.

This is important because it is possible to make a living wage from the use of multiple accounts using this type of software.  You can still do this and run the risk of getting banned but you WILL get banned sooner or later using mirroring software. This approach cannot be hidden: even if you farm dungeon or raid instances exclusively it will be obvious to other players at the entrance and you will get reports.

"Legitimate Approaches"

There are alternative approaches which do not violate Blizzard terms and conditions. I put "legitimate approaches" in inverted commas because the act of selling gold for real money is in itself a clear violation of Blizzard's policies-but this is harder to detect.


The first approach is to set up multiple windows, then simply use alt-tab to cycle through each window/character and manually input every action by every character . This is slower than using mirroring software but it is much faster than solo gold farming. 

 The Passive Income Method-Millions Of Gold Per Day

Here is an alternative method I have not seen discussed privately or publicly, though it is somewhat similar to some relatively recent leveling videos I published:

Farm hostile npc's in an instant respawn location such as Blackrock Stronghold or the Wetlands dragonkin/orc farm, using some kind of passive method. The easiest method is simply to use multiple low-level demonology warlocks and their felguards. 

Low-level felguards will kill anything of a similar scaled level almost instantly and multiple felguards will kill everything very fast. The only manual input required is to loot the mobs they kill. Even this can be done by a simple auto-clicker-something which, according tomultiple patreon reports, is not detectable by Blizzard.

The gold ceiling on this is quite high: the main limitation is going to be how much computer hardware you have and its performance. Potentially you can make multiple millions of gold per day with multiple accounts playing 24/7: this translates into a real income when sold for terrestrial currency.

Excessive gold-farming will eventually lead to bans regardless of whether mirroring software or automation is actually used: however accounts using this this type of method have greater longevity.

Multi-Boxing With One Account

You can use free starter edition accounts without having to pay for multiple accounts. Starter accounts can level up to 20 which with the modern scaling in wow retail is more than enough for gold farming. Starter accounts on the same battle.net account will have access to your main account's heirlooms.

 The starter edition account characters you can use must be invited by your main to a group. The starter edition account characters do not loot npc corpses-only the paid account character can do this, as there are severe restrictions on what starter accounts can do with gold. 

* A far better and much harder to detect option is to simply create a private arrangement between you and guild members of people you trust in-game. There is no third-party cutting into your profits and much lower risk.


Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Heirlooms can be created by the starter edition in your "collections" under the heirlooms tab-you haven't had to mail them for several expansions.


I may be experiencing some sort of bug. Most of my starter accounts have access to the heirlooms in the tab. The one that I checked originally doesn't show any heirlooms and is still not showing any. Thank you for the quick response. Edit: I figured out my problem, I accidently clicked to hide already collected heirlooms. Oof


Can anyone tell me if it is worth it to upgrade my account so that I farm with a level 70 main vs using a level 60 farming instant spawns using party sync? Edit: Can anyone tell me how to find out what mobs instant respawn? Is trial and error the only way?