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Some updates on some interesting exploits:

One-Shot Method In World PVP

There are reports of druids using a tier set bonus in world pvp and possibly elsewhere to do millions of damage, one-shotting players. 

The 2-set bonus reads:

 "Using Mangle with Gore also deals 30% of damage dealt to nearby enemies, damage reduced beyond 5 targets. It also increases your damage done and reduces damage you take by 5% for 6 seconds."

Druids have combined this with the "honor and strength" quest from the Eastern Plaguelands-this allows players to summon three low-level trolls anywhere by sharing the quest. The legacy buff which allows players to do high damage against low-level mobs has a synergy with the 2-set bonus - doing a percentage of the low-level damage against max level players and mobs.

Essentially the druid will receive a quest share from another player or one of their own accounts causing the three low-level trolls from the quest to spawn. They will then use mangle and gore as stated in the 2-set tooltip and any nearby players will be instantly killed.

Partial Invisibility

The shaman ability "burrow" can be exploited to allow players to become invisible. Burrows allows the shaman to burrow underground for 5 seconds becoming invisible and untargettable.

During this time if another character targets the burrowing player with a disguise toy such as al-li's skymirror or reflecting prism, they can become invisible. 

At first I thought it was the very powerful form of invisibility where you cannot target the player at all. I tried this in a duel and even though I could target the player I could not cast spells on them. However this does not seem to persist outside duels (though I could be wrong here the mechanics seem complicated). 

This seems to be the "lesser " form of invisibility where your nameplates are visible-though you are still quite difficult to target since you have no other physical form.

Note: there is a longstanding bug where a S.E.L.F.I.E character attempting to photograph any type of invisible character zooms out infinitely-it is quite an interesting and spectacular effect. 

Dreamsurge Gold Rewards

This is an exploit with a small "e"but I feel would be of interest to the many patreons who came here via one of my gold-making videos. The Dreamsurges, the main event of patch 10.1.7, offer a periodic buff called Dreamsurge Magpies: "Increases gold gained from creatures and world quests by 100 percent" which is up randomly for half an hour at a time.

Some world quests with gold rewards can run into thousands of gold. You can complete most of the criteria for these quests - then wait for the magpie buff and fly around finishing each of them. This is potentially the best raw gold in the game for short periods. Naturally this strategy is useful to those with alt armies.

New Shadow Rift Ashran Entrapment Location

I have discovered new locations in battlegrounds where it is impossible to escape from. A warlock who places his demonic circle in these locations can use shadow rift to port enemies who will then be stuck. I will make a public video of this (most of these locations are impossible to describe without visual accompaniment) but the most valuable of these is in Ashran. This one can be explained without video.

On the immediate left of the entrance to the main structure in the ogre/titan artifact area is a grill you can jump behind. Once you jump into this area you cannot escape it using normal physical methods. A warlock can put down a demonic gateway right next to it-jump into the grill area and place a demonic circle then use the gateway to escape. 

Players then fighting over the Titanic artifact can then be ported into the grill and will be stuck unless some of their special abilities can free them.

Note: Somewhat incredibly the hollow towers at the entrance to the Horde base can still be used to port players inside-this two years after I posted it on youtube. 



Nothing in here for me but I really enjoy the recaps!