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Talent switch exploits depend on finding effects from one talent which persist a switch to another talent. Blizzard try to prevent this by preventing switches while cooldowns are active, however this is a very complicated thing to do accurately and there are often secondary effects they don't account for properly.

There are many such effects-almost certainly some I've yet to discover, and they can affect both the regular and honor talent trees.  There are huge numbers of permutations involved because of the large number of specs and possible talent combinations in the two trees . 

Talent switch exploits are usually of short duration, since they usually depend on amplifying some temporary buff. Talent switches primary use is in pve where commonly raid teams will use codex/tome of the tranqul mind before the pull, but they can also be used at the start of instanced pvp where the preparation buff allows talent changes.

I've discovered two new effects: one for frost mages, the other for enhancement shamen. 

For frost mages the level 30  talent "glacial insulation" increases your armor by 100% when ice barrier is activated. When you switch this talent to another in the same tier ice barrier persists and continues to give you 100% armor.

Enhancement shaman have the level 10 honor talent "shamanism", which replaces your normal heroism spell with a version which has only a 45 second cooldown but affects only two people.  Normal bloodlust can be cast before the pull or while the preparation buff is still active, and then the level 10 talent switched from another in the tier to shamanism. This allows the player successive uses of heroism-one the normal raid wide version, and the talented version. The spells share the same name but not a cooldown.

For other examples of talent switching you might wish to (re?-) view my shaman guide (link to specific example https://youtu.be/cllvw-gxDYM?t=398) covering the primal elementalist talent, and also my hunter guide (https://youtu.be/Wmak7I3usm8?t=863), which covers the  survival cobra talent.


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