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On the lovely charms thread there was a discussion regarding how to avoid logging-out. I checked a number of macros from the archives and it was surprisingly difficult to find one which worked on lives. This one I have tested multiple times:

/run local  f=CreateFrame("Frame")f:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_CAMPING")f:SetScript("OnEvent",  function() local  p=StaticPopup_Visible("CAMP")_G[p.."Button1"]:Click()end)  

For those of you who are intimidated by macros don't worry, you don't have to understand it. Just cut and paste it (ctrl-c then ctrl-v into your wow chat box) and press enter.

Note that it makes it impossible to log-out even manually after using this macro so you'll have to "exit game" to close your wow client, it is very thorough.

This macro will be useful for a number of activities. In addition to lovely charms, grisly trophies can be auto-farmed using the "fury of air" + macro technique, also reputation grinds based on mob farming. There are almost certainly many other applcations.


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