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( For new patreons looking for the one-click leveling exploits it is here:

https://www.patreon.com/posts/best-one-click-78888101 )

The mage talent "Greater Invisibility" is currently bugged. Greater Invisibility is the penultimate central talent in the generic mage talent tree, the talent reads:

Makes you invisible and untargetable for 20 sec, removing all threat. Any action taken cancels this effect.

You take 60% reduced damage while invisible and for 3 sec after reappearing.

The exploit here is simple: activate greater invisibility and log-out in a rested xp location so that log-out is instant.

When you log back in the 60% damage reduction will be active.

Currently this only applies to the open world: I have not been able to work this exploit in instances (yet) as logging out instantly is not possible inside instances.

UPDATE: This is still working for me: several patreons have reported it not working for them despite apparently using the exact same method. I'd appreciate any feedback so I can locate the source of the issue.

Here is another account of the bug on bug report:


If I cast greater invisibility and log out the 60% damage reduction buff stays on after I log in and appears to be permanent. The buff appears to be effective.

EDIT: If I log with just the bugged damage buff up it disappears after I log back in. I’ve had the buff up for 5+ minutes during game play.



Have you tried vulpera camping for preserving it in an instance?

Chris Ross

Not working on Azuremyst. Using Inn at Elwynn, pop greater invis, logout, login, and buffs terminate in normal duration.

Jeffery Nichols

I’m already 70 could that be an issue?

Chris Ross

Not sure, was tried on a 70. My low level mage doesn't have Greater Invis yet

Shane Beudeker

Hello, i'm new here, i've checked some of your guides ( leveling, gold farming, raw gold ) but most are not from this year so i wonder if any of them are still viable. Thanks in Advance.

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Most of the content in the last year is still viable. However many details have changed. I am preparing a new guide which will state clearly what exactly is and is not viable and what if any adjustments need to be made-this is an insane amount of work as everything has to be re-tested comprehensively- but it will be done this month.

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Weird that's exactly what I'm doing and it still works perfectly. This isn't a realm-specific exploit (tested). One possible explanation is that you "may" be doing it too fast-I think the glitch works by having the invisibility run down offline while not cancelling the damage reduction buff. Or not. I'd appreciate comments from others - both those who can and cannot do this.

Jeffery Nichols

Archie… take your time man. Do NOT want you to get burned out on this service you provide. You do you. Some of these might not work cause we simply misunderstand your steps or misinterpret them. One lil misstep and things don’t work.

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Thanks mate I appreciate that. I sometimes stress how many hours I put in on this stuff because I am worried that patreons have visions of me lying around eating chocolates with their patreon money...and I want them to know I am working hard on their behalf. But I absolutely love this job don't get me wrong. You are dead right about how sensitive exploits are to tiny mistakes-I often can't get things people send me to work without a lot of practice:)

Daniel White

I noticed (when cobalt assembly farming was a thing) that alt+F4 in open world will preserve your stacks of mastery the moment your character leaves the server… which could be anywhere up to 2 minutes AFTER pressing alt+F4. In that 2-minute window, your character is still targetable, but your health bar is grayed out and you are immune to damage. I wonder if that plays a role in this glitch working

Shane Beudeker

It wasn't meant badly in any way, i was just very curious, that's all. I apologise.


Even if you did just sit around, this space is worth the price as an aggregator of verified techniques.

Chris Ross

Used the 1-click method to level up high enough to get Greater Invis. Popped it at Garrison and immediately logged off (did not exit game). Waited 5 min, logged in, watched invis time out and then damage reduction buff fell off 3 sec later. No complaints here, just feedback. Tried again with 3 min logoff, same result.

Rob Axelsen

Thanks for reporting on this, but I think it has been fixed already. Can't reproduce.

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

It is still active (just tested). This is VERY unusual. I'm not the only using this, there's a guy on bug report who mentioned it.

Jeffery Nichols

Ok I’ve been trying this on my mage. I’m standing in the enclave rest area. I click Grtr Inv. I wait for the invisibility to wear off. The moment it wears off I log out. And the moment I click log out. The buff disappears from my buff bar. And when I come back nothing is there. The cool down for GInv has lost its cools down. But there is no 60% buff.


I've tried it in many different ways, logging out while still invisible, waiting for the invis to disappear and even interrupting it and then log out. Doesn't work for me tho ^^

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Sorry your time was wasted. The strange thing is for me this is one of the easiest exploits I can remember. It may be a specific talent choice which is impacting it somehow.

Jeffery Nichols

Could be. Could you share your talents? And how are you logging out? Log out/Exit Game/cork alt f4? And how soon after you activate Grtr inv do you log out?

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Sorry I missed this. Mostly I just logout the normal way the instant I cast greater invisibility. Alt-f4 doesn't work at all. I'm not sure how to show my talent set without potentially causing potential art copyright issues. This is still working btw, maddening I can't get it to work for you guys.

Gustavo Melo

you could paste the export string of your talents here, no art copyright there :D

Shane Bickford

If you created a free to view page of your Patreon you could post things like screenshots/maps/talent-trees/etc without violating any of Blizzards copyright laws. You do not need to provide the context or reason for those images either so a public post that just says “My mage talent tree” with the image is legal and encouraged by blizzards legal team.

Jeffery Nichols

Any updates on this. Step by step exactly how to make it work?

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

I've decided to release it publicly since I can show the visuals on youtube. It was posted on bug report over a month ago so Blizzard don't seem to care (it still works). So hopefully with a visual explanation and more feedback we should be able to isolate the triggers.


Yo does this still work?