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So, recently there has been a seismic development in artificial intelligence. 

This is one of, if not the most important development of our lifetimes. I cannot stress how important this stuff is: it is going to change everything in a very fundamental way. 

The relevant AI can be accessed for free (despite what the rather confusing website tells you) at the following url


This AI responds to natural language. 

This means you can ask it do simple tasks like "write a macro for a fire mage": and it gives you:

#FireMage  /castsequence [harm] Combustion, Pyroblast /cast [harm] Fireball /cast [harm] Living Bomb /cast [harm] Fire Blast /cast [harm] Flamestrike /cast [harm] Arcane Explosion

without any additional prompting.

or "in lua code write an an add-on that tells me when helmet is not equipped" it returns:

-- Create a function to check if a helmet is equipped function HasHelmetEquipped()  -- Check if the player has a helmet equipped  local helmetSlot = GetInventorySlotInfo("HeadSlot");  local helmetLink = GetInventoryItemLink("player", helmetSlot);    -- If a helmet is equipped, return true  if (helmetLink) then   return true;  end    -- Otherwise, return false  return false; end  -- Create an event frame to listen for events local HelmetCheckFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME", "HelmetCheckFrame");  -- Register the events to listen for HelmetCheckFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN"); HelmetCheckFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_EQUIPMENT_CHANGED");  -- Create the event handler HelmetCheckFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)  if (event == "PLAYER_LOGIN") then   -- On player login, check if a helmet is equipped   if (HasHelmetEquipped() == false) then    -- If no helmet is equipped, print a message    print("No helmet equipped! Equip one for protection!");   end  elseif (event == "PLAYER_EQUIPMENT_CHANGED") then   -- On equipment change, check if a helmet is no longer equipped   if (HasHelmetEquipped() == false) then    -- If no helmet is equipped, print a message    print("No helmet equipped! Equip one for protection!");   end  end end)

again, without additional prompts. The AI knows what Warcraft is, what Lua is and some idea of how to code (though expect much frustration). 

There is a severe limitation on the program: its data only goes up to 2021. However this still makes it very useful for many warcraft-based tasks especially but not exclusively classic wow. 

For content creators: you can create limitless articles or scripts without much thought: for example simply write "write a biography of thrall"   and it gives you:

"Thrall, also known as Go'el, is a fictional character from Blizzard Entertainment's Warcraft franchise. He is the former Warchief of the orcish horde, and one of the most important characters in Warcraft lore.  Thrall was born in the internment camps of the human kingdom of Stormwind, where his parents were held captive after the First War. In his early life, he was raised by Aedelas Blackmoore, a human general who recognized Thrall's potential and sought to use him as a weapon against the orcish people.  At the age of fifteen, Thrall escaped Blackmoore's control and fled to the land that would become known as the orcish homeland of Durotar. There, he found a new purpose in life, and began to build a new nation for the orcs. He united the disparate orcish clans under his leadership, and gained the trust of the tauren and other races of the land.  Thrall then led the orcs into a new era of peace and prosperity. He forged strong alliances with the Alliance and Horde, and brought the orcs into the modern world. He also served as Warchief of the Horde, leading the orcs in their struggle against the Burning Legion and other enemies.  Thrall is widely renowned for his wisdom, courage, and strength. He has been a major figure in Warcraft lore since his introduction in Warcraft III, and has become one of the most beloved characters in the franchise."

These are very simple examples designed to show the basic abilities of the AI. There are many more advanced uses. 

For those who use third-party hacking tools in wow: openAI has been used for exploiting multiple types of software. I'm not going to go directly into how to do this with wow at this stage but you can see there is a lot of potential here.

 For programming purposes openAI is best at taking the hard work out of coding-it can't really create anything more than simple code by itself but it takes a huge amount of effort out of the task for someone who can already code.

There is an additional severe limitation: the AI often gets thing wrong when performing complex tasks and there is no obvious indication when this might be the case, so we have a long way to go to reach general intelligence. That said I'm sure you will discover some amazing use-cases for this tech even now. 

This is a very preliminary article. I wanted patreons to get a head-start on this now before the wow community generally and the rest of society picks up how significant this development is.



you can in fact also use this to do homework :)

Lord Slaain

Just tried it,dam impressive