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Updated: Vendor value of items has reverted to SL levels.

Many raid bosses in the expansion listed below have had the vendor prices of weapons and armor increase dramatically in yesterday's patch. This appears to be neither a glitch nor an intended change by Blizzard-it is just a bizarre by-product of scaling.*

A few items dropped by certain bosses have also gone down significantly  - these are worth avoiding.

Legion bosses are now mostly worth double what they used to be - around 300 gold each. The exceptions, for reasons known only to Blizzard, drop multiple items worth only silver and are not worth killing, these are:





(Antorus The Burning Throne)

Felhounds Of Sargeras

The changes make LFR Legion raids worth soloing and are, at least for short periods, superior to other basic gold farming methods such as gathering. 

I am preparing a public guide on this which will be released when I am certain Blizzard do not intend to revert this change. While there is even a small possibility this is a glitch it will remain on patreon-after which point there is no reason to keep this secret. 

* I can't stress enough how difficult it is sometimes to work out what the hell Blizzard are doing. Sometimes I suspect even they do not know. 


alan welch

in a video you said someone knew how to get from LFR emerald nightmare to real one, could ya point me to it? ive been farming gold to buy Dragonflight for me and my partner with the callings nerfed the other day this is a little bit of hope heh

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

This was a comment left by Treegnome on an old post: I found a strange interaction from Rift of Aln on LFR difficulty today. If you "Leave Instance Group" after killing Xavius, before it ports you to the Emerald Dream area, it will somehow teleport you to the actual Emerald Nightmare raid instance on whatever difficulty you have your legacy raid difficulty set to. My guess is that it tries to teleport you to the Emerald Dream on LFR, but that teleport fails since you left the instance group, so it teleports you to the default point in the instance at the very beginning, which happens to be at the actual Emerald Nightmare raid location. Essentially, this means you can teleport to clear Normal/Heroic/Mythic Emerald Nightmare directly from talking to Archmage Timear in Dalaran to queue for the LFR instance. This'll save you some time as opposed to flying out there and increase gold per hour a bit. (Just as an aside, I know that clearing LFR raids isn't as profitable as it used to be, so this exploit will likely be pretty niche, but I found it additionally useful to get the transmog sets on whichever difficulty you want without having to run out there manually.) I don't know how strict the timing on this is, but I don't think it has to be very exact.


This appears to have been fixed. I ran some Legion LFR today and the boss drops are back to being worth 5-20g. Just killed Xavius and got approximately 75g from the kill.