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Some years back I published a technique called "Method 1" as it is my most frequently used leveling exploit.

The technique worked like this: 

1. Leveling character does a quest they out-level taking advantage of their ability to one-shot mobs and/or increased movement speed. 

2. They then group with a low-level character,

3. Turn on party sync (this option is your minimized map) for both characters.

4. Turn in the quest on your leveling character for full experience. Essentially you are questing in God Mode.

Scaling changed how this worked: patreon Mark Jackson discovered this method worked well over level 30 in Shadowlands. Blizzard nerfed method 1 from level 50-60 as this was then current content they wanted people to level through normally.

Blizzard have repeatedly promised to remove party sync restrictions from 50-60 in recent patches but didn't actually do it. However they seem to have done it now (without announcing it) in the most recent patch. 

This means you can avoid Shadowlands content altogether from 50-60 and quest in older content using party sync getting meaningful experience. You can use Method 1 to make this faster. You can use Method 1 from 30-50 as before.


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