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Patreon Ben contributed the following very interesting exploit: you can extend the powerful demon hunter ability "Momentum" far beyond its natural duration.

This is achieved through the use of the Torghast anima power "Frenzywing"



Extending the duration of momentum is borderline game-breaking and will allow the Demon Hunter to out-perform every other player in PVE and PVP. 

Note that while you glitch the ability within Torghast it can be used anywhere outside Torghast other than arena. 

Ben writes:

 "The Demon Hunter end row talent 'Momentum' is a 15% dmg buff for 6 seconds every time you fel rush, when fel rush has a 10s recharge time, so there's a decent amount of downtime involved. 

What i discovered recently/knew about was in Torghast, with a certain Anima Power, you can fel rush every global for 1.5min which actually stacks momentum the whole time! you can get up to about 7 mins worth of the buff! What I realized yesterday is this buff stays with you...everywhere! I always knew it stayed on you when you exited the Torghast wing you just completed but it stayed up through a hearth, a teleport, a wormhole teleport and a summons to a dungeon! Last but not least it didn't go away as I put the key into a mythic+ dungeon!!!! 

You could have 100% uptime throughout a Raid encounter/Mythic+(long as u don't die). Utilizing the 'Rampaging' blessing as it's up could also help you get much more momentum buff for longer. "

Ben later elaborated on the legendary he used to enhance the glitch:

"https://www.wowhead.com/spell=337685/erratic-fel-core it reduces fel rush's CD by 30% which is mostly useful outside of windows when you don't have 'Frenzywing' but it also contributes when you do. This is a picture of the buff duration

 I got after 2 runs through layer 9 soul forges, getting somewhat unlucky on rolling 'Frenzywing' https://gyazo.com/f4928554feccfc2d687c96dff104d11c , The max I was able to get it to was 43 mins, but there's no cap to how far it could be pushed. Last but not least, the most efficient way to stack the momentum as fast as possible when you get frenzywing is to just felrush nonstop into a corner that doesn't have you fly up, you're able to spam the hell out of it.

 This can be further improved by this Torghast 'Blessing' Rampage. I couldn't find a wowhead page for it so here's the buff at it's max stacks (10) 


 , the blessing itself is called rampage. Last but not least! The BEST thing that can happen is that you get 'Frenzywing' on the broker floor, which preserves your rampaging stacks (aka hopefully 10) so you can fel rush into a wall uninterrupted for the full 1min 30s duration. which equals 10+ mins of the momentum buff. "

Note for theory-crafters: I tested this for some time seeing if I could improve on Ben's Method, for example using the Proving Grounds to reset Momentum, but Ben's method seems to be the only viable one currently.

Although the most important usage of the method is in raids and mythic, this is also enormous fun to use in non-rated battlegrounds as it makes it very easy to one-shot other players.



Seems like the buff itself is counted down in real time, as I logged back in and the 20m+ buff was gone. Sitting right outside of the jailer's gauntlet portal. Edit: Checked again, does seem to tick down in real time even while logged off.

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Yeah a lot more stuff counts down in real-time these days or vanishes on log-out. They have got someone who understands this stuff working on this aspect of things.

Flo Pilop

You may perform this exploit and switch to Tank spec and still have the mommentum buff

Andy Karlsson

does this work in Magetower?

Johnny Curse

The last line: "though the most important usage of the method is in raids and mythic, this is also enormous fun to use in non-rated battlegrounds as it makes it very easy to one-shot other players." How does this contribute to a 1 shot on players? The duration of the a buff stacks, not the damage modifier, so you only have +15% dmg for X duration.

Flo Pilop

Tried it and can surpass 1 Hour https://imgur.com/a/rvZUWmp


"This can be further improved by this Torghast 'Blessing' Rampage. I couldn't find a wowhead page for it" This is the Rampaging buff: https://www.wowhead.com/spell=352263/rampaging which you get from this: https://www.wowhead.com/spell=352260/rampage omw to recreate this, thanks for sharing! : )


Assuming you can just run torghast back to back to extend the buff. But would it be better to run lower layers or higher layers? Low layers you could probs blitz through quicker?


I think what he meant is that it makes the potential to one shot or to kill people much faster, with "only" 15% dmg buff ;)

ben demon hunter

Hi, ben here. I always did it on layer 9 without much thought to doing it on other layers, Ideally you'd want to do this on a geared character anyway so layer 9 should be no prob.


I just stumbled upon the anima power: https://www.wowhead.com/spell=319276/elethium-muzzle in a torghast run, I think this one will help us very much with speeding up the process of getting more momentum as it gives us 25% reduced cooldowns on all abilites in exchange for 25% reduced physical healing and damage. Enjoy my fellow DH's ;)