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Warning: this exploit requires some experience and skill to use successfully. I would not recommend it for a new exploiter.  

I have searched dozens and dozens of locations in the last few days looking for lovely charm farming spots. The best one requires the "convert to raid" exploit and a specific bonus objective in the 48-59 bracket. 

In Revendreth the bonus objective "Parasites Of Reality" contains objects called "amalgamation conduits". When you kill on these two parasites attack you. These award experience and some worthless trash loot, and also lovely charms. 

Normally the conduit is consumed in the process but if you join a party and convert it to a raid, this blocks bonus objective progress and the conduit remains. You can join a party with a starter edition account (a free account) on your battle.net account, and a low-level character that does not need to be in Shadowlands. 

Using the raid convert technique you can click on the conduit repeatedly. Ideally this is done with a partner or team as the mobs you spawn will interrupt the cast when you click on the conduit, though there are ways round this for solo players (eg brewmaster ox statue). 

An additional complication: the bonus objective takes place in the endmire. This gives you a stacking shadow damage debuff which will eventually lead to you being one-shot if not removed. You can deal with this reasonable efficiently by dropping and flying out of the immediate zone area which removes the debuff. For this reason you should select a conduit near the edge of the zone.

For a skilled and competent team with good gear the charms per hour you can generate is very high indeed, potentially generating enough charms for a mount in only a couple of hours. This is not easy though: you will die multiple times trying to manage the aggro and find an acceptable balance between generating mobs and taking damage.

One advantage of this method is that you will not have to share it with anybody. 


Finn Malorne

Quick note for anyone trying to optimize their charms/hr in any farm. Blizzard seems to hate people grouping for these sorts of things as they HEAVILY lower the drop rates of these tokens upon grouping with another player that is eligible for lovely tokens. Doing the Burning Steppes hyper farm with the 4 larges pack I was getting about 1 charm every 2 mobs. Thinking I'd up my kills/hr if I had a second person come help me kill I noticed my charms dropped from 8-10 a pack to 2-3 a pack. Note that the other player ( without hitting the mob ) would also receive 2-3 charms for the group I killed. It appears that the drop off only happens if the other player is within 30-40 yrds of the kill and is grouped with you. I believe when grouped up as 3-4-5 your chances for lovely charms drops even further. My current strategy is to use a lvl 60 Monk statue to tank the mobs as I kill them on my twink mage, as this doesn't effect the lovely charm drop rate.

Sawyer Clayton

Any farms you’d recommend after the events over?

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Gold farms in general do you mean? I have some ideas but I don't really want to go into details until the new patch comes out.

Aqua Allegoria

May you please share some ideas so that we could farm some gold for the new legendary?

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

I'm afraid they fixed a bunch of stuff in the transitional phase probably due to some gold farmers publicizing before it went live so that kind of messed up the articles I had ready. I'm working hard on replacing it now.

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

See message above. If you want a quick and dirty raw gold solution spam spouting growths and faerie stashes on as many alts as possible preferably with Maldraxxus callings and do the spore losers world quest glitch. For ah stuff basic mats go crazy leading up to the raid openings so spam those.