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If you fly outside of the main boundaries of the main Shadowlands questing zones you will eventually hit an area called the "In-between". Initially it seems this is just the area where you travel via flight-master-but "In-between" actually covers a lot of area nowhere near the portal locations, it covers a lot of dead space outside the main zones. 

If you fly into the In-between after a while the game will tell you "the In-between claws at your soul". You will then be teleported to the nearest grave yard. If you dismount before this happens however, your character will fall to their death, and then they will be teleported straight to Oribos.

Why is this useful? Because it is generally faster than using a flight-master to return to Oribos. I was surprised how often this is beneficial and how much time it saves.

Your character will take durability damage on death so make a naked gear set on your character pane,  and switch to it whenever you wish to do this.

The simple way to do this is:

1. Switch your gear to a naked set using the equipment manager.

2. Fly towards the In-between portal in the zone you are in and dismount.

3. Die.

4. Release spirit.

5. Teleport to Oribos.

A more advanced approach would be to memorize all the areas of flying space outside the main zones where the In-between in accessible: it often is blocked by invisible walls. Then use these accessible areas for fast teleportation when you are nearby. This approach is recommended for people with alt armies. 

A mystery for explorers-there is a small area of space just outside the south-west of Ardenweald which is neither Ardenweald nor In-between but Bastion. It even has an angel appear and carry you back to Ardenweald if you dismount. 


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