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The Noblegarden festival has started, which presents some interesting opportunities for exploiters. 

As with most wow festivals the gold-making potential of Noblegarden is based mainly around a mount that can be exchanged for festival currency: in this case noblegarden chocolate for the "Swift Springstrider" mount. 

The mount fetches 25K gold EU average price currently, but becomes exceptionally valuable later in the year as availability dries up, if you are patient. To obtain the mount we collect easter eggs in the starting zones of wow. We need 500 chocolates from the eggs to get the mount. (There are pets also but these seem to be valueless currently)

There are a few tricks to use which significantly speed things up.

X-Ray Vision

The first method removes all permanent scenery allowing us to see and gather the eggs very quickly. 

1. Go to esc-systems-graphics-graphics quality. 

2. Change the "environment detail to 1" on raid settings, making sure the option to enable raid settings is ticket. The environment detail should be 10 on normal settings. 

3. Now spam your toggle graphics settings key, this can be found at:

Key bindings-miscellaneous-toogle graphics settings. (For me this is "G", not sure if this is the default key)

You will see that permanent scenery such as buildings vanishes temporarily when you do this but interactive objects like easter eggs do not. 


Patreon Zork offered the following tip: 

Get on a horde toon that can use warmode, enable warmode, head to falconwing square, follow the fenceline, and be sure to check under and around the carts, ive had zero competition all day. Ive timed myself and gotten 620 chocolates in an hour...Ive made this even faster, on a druid, im using travel form. I'm not sure what, if any of these make me move faster, but im also using feline swiftness, and a boot enchant, tuskarr's vitality. Been ripping around falconwing square....

(Archvaldor note: you can use a class trial druid to collect the eggs)

Staying in alt+z makes it so the loot bags dont pop up, if you just watch for the loot animation to end, you can move/loot a new egg,... I managed to get 699 chocolates in an hour with some competition.

I checked several realms and some players have caught on to this strategy, however Falconwing was still empty on several, especially off-peak. 

Cross-realm Currency Transfer

Finally, it is worth knowing that Noblegarden allows players to transfer currency from one realm to another with only a 10% cut-this is exceptionally low by warcraft standards. You simply invite another player or character cross-realm and then drop a magnificently painted egg (cost 1000G) that can be vendored for 900G, being careful to do this quickly since any one in the vicinity can pick it up. 

This is not an exploit or really a secret as such but it is of interest to exploiters so I thought I would mention it. A full-write up on wowhead is given here: 



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