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EDIT: In Shadowlands some weird level gating has been introduced and Vol'dun is only accessible from level 35. Thanks to Chandler for pointing this out.

The quest needed for this exploit is horde-only, but you can level an alliance player using it with a horde alt/partner.

The following method was originally posted some time ago near the end of BFA by Patreon Andreas in the community section:

"I believe I've found another infinite mob spawn using the raid method to bypass quest progress. quest is called "Memory Breach" in vol dun. You collect memories from jars. its scripted to sometimes show a cutscene and sometimes spawn a mob. if you create a raid while when the jar is suposed to spawn a mob you can continuously click the jar and spawn another mob. found this out while leveling my multibox team and they can all click the same jar spawning more and more monsters, I've decided not to use it because i dont want a ban but i figured the information could serve you."

The "raid method" was a popular technique patreons were using to farm gold at the time, the method is simply this: create some kind of group (you can pair with a starter edition account character if necessary), and then convert it to a raid. This stops all progress on a quest, which can have interesting effects (as it does here). 

This post did not receive that much attention at the time, as the mobs only drop a trash item and their were better ways of leveling then since bfa content was restricted to high-level players.  This has changed dramatically in Shadowlands as BFA content can now be done from 10-50, so you can now use this method for most of the leveling process. 

This method can be the fastest possible method of leveling, but obviously it depends very much on how much aoe dps you can do, whether you can group up etc. The mobs in question are same-level mobs and enough of them will kill your character. 

Be careful not to produce so many mobs that you lag the server-you WILL get a ban for that. In my experience using the raid conversion method itself does not generally result in a ban. I would also avoid marathon sessions to avoid triggering Blizzard's bot detection. 


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