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Patreon Lakaen kindly sent me the following information about how to complete the Mantid Assault in the Vale Of Eternal Blossoms. 

In vale of eternal blossoms durning the Assult Mantid, at 33.43, 61.74  there are some Golden Lotus guards fighting Vil'thik swarmborn that seem to be an infinite spawn i ran across by accident. It seems like it might be worth looking into.   

Normally I would consider something like this too niche/minor to publish for patreons but it was very fast and easy completing the assault at this location-I did not have to move, the guards do most of the work, the bugs respawned instantly, and it only took me a few minutes to fill up the bar.

The co-ordinates macro I use is: 

/run local p,f="player",CreateFrame("Button",nil,UIParent,"OptionsButtonTemplate")f:SetPoint("TOP",0,0)f:SetScript("OnUpdate",function(s,e)x,y=C_Map.GetPlayerMapPosition(C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit(p),p):GetXY()f:SetText(format("(%.1f,%.1f)",x*100,y*100))end)


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