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The following technique is the best I've come up with and that I know of to farm for rare TBC drops worth in excess of 100K gold.

TBC dungeons are known for extremely low drop chances of very valuable items such as Blade of Wizardry. Instant re-spawns are consequently very valuable in TBC content and Blizzard tend to nerf opportunities very quickly.

The dungeon Shadow Labyrinth in Auchindoun, Terrorkar Forest in Old Shatrath has an interesting and exploitable end-game, which allows us to create an instant re-spawn farm.

The technique can technically be practiced by any class but it is strongly recommended you use a hunter for reasons which will become later. 

Run through the entire dungeon until you reach the "Screaming Halls", the final chamber of the instance.  This chamber contains the final boss, Murmur, who is engaged in confrontation with "Cabal..." mobs. 

 The main body of the chamber contains three groups of four mobs-a cabal executioner, a cabal spellbinder, a cabal summoner and another cabal executioner.

Cabal summoners and spellbinders appear intermittently between these three groups.

Do the following:

1. Kill the cabal executioner, the cabal spellbinder, the cabal summoner in each of the three groups. Leave the cabal executioner on the far right alive. 

2. You will need some method to drop combat once you have killed the three in each group - this is why a hunter with feign death is preferred. 

3. Kill Murmur. This will aggro everything in the chamber. Drop combat. 

4.  Five cabal summoners and spellbinders will now spawn up and down the chamber. They re-spawn and can be looted endlessly. Do NOT kill the executioners you left alive.

The macro "/tar cabal s" is useful here since you will never accidentally target the executioners, only the re-spawning mobs. You can also use "/petattack cabal s" to get your pet to assist you with the farm (if you have one). 

Some more information for those who like a thorough understanding of what they are doing: One mob in each of the rows of four needs to be kept alive in order that the re-spawning mobs keep re-spawning. You kill Murmur because he vaporizes a lot of the re-spawning mobs before even the fastest player can react: which cuts down your kill rate a lot. 

Semi-AFK Method

The following *method is much slower than the above method and requires a minion. However it can be done 95% AFK  and is more straightforward. Simply take your character and pet to any spawn point where spellbinders and summoners materialize. Put your pet/minion on defensive. The cabal mob will spawn and immediately attack you and the pet will kill them. All you need to do is loot every 5 minutes before the corpses de-spawn. 

It is a lot of fun watching netflix or whatever and looting a pile of shiny stuff every so often.

Comment On RNG Farms

This is a high RNG farm and should only be practiced by players looking for a big score. 

The raw gold and junk items amount to roughly 2-3K gold an hour. 

I would sell the "Fel Armanents" on the ah-these sell reasonably well (0.18 sell rate) for a legacy item and can fetch up to 100 gold each depending on your realm. 

The actual gold per hour for this farm is difficult to know because of the extreme variance around low drop chances of very valuable items. It is probably in excess of 50K gold per hour but most of the time you will be treading water punctuated by the occasional spectacular drop, so it is debatable whether that is a useful figure. 



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