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I am currently working on a new leveling guide. The core of this guide will be based around "Method One" (named that way because it is the default method for leveling). 

Method one is primarily used by players who are already level 60+. 

It works like this:

1. Log-in on character you want to level. 

2. Create free trial (NOT class trial) character on a separate wow client. 

3. Take the characters into close proximity and form a group.

4. Take leveling character to low-level quest, and complete the objectives.

5. Return to quest-giver. Enable party sync. 

6. You'll find that the low-level quest is now awarding full experience for your character.

What Method One allows you to do is essentially complete quests you out-level, ie you can one-shot mobs, fly at faster speeds, use high-level abilities etc-and get FULL experience. 

The main limitation of Method One is that only initial quests in a chain can be completed using this technique. Every time you leave party sync the chain is reset to the start. 

This leads to some interesting decisions where you have to use your own judgement: is it better to just complete the initial quests in a chain(effectively with super-powers) and then move on to a fresh quest hub. OR do you complete the whole of the chain without super-powers because it is an easy quest chain to complete? This isn't always an obvious decision. 

This method is generally MUCH faster than conventional leveling. Between 50-100% faster depending on how optimized your leveling was to begin with and your gear.

Although this is not a gold-making method specifically, I should emphasize that it can be used to boost characters-and this is generally more profitable than anything else in wow. A good boosting operation can actually make enough real money to live off if you are prepared to sell the gold on the black market.


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