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The current state of Alterac Valley in WoW Classic is pretty dire for the Alliance. For those queing outside of premade groups, win %  is either zero or very close to zero. Honor and rep is very slow and painful to accumulate. I can personally attest to this having lost 29 out of 30 matches a few days ago.

The problem is caused primarily by pre-mades pre-screening battlegrounds creating an unrepresentative pool of below average players in the majority of PUG groups.

There is a relatively simple solution that increases win rate to around 30% and also makes most matches viable in terms of generating reasonable amounts of honor and rep. Rather than que for the first available match, pick the number from the list that has been created most recently. 

This gives you a good chance to enter the battleground with a premade. 

This is not a foolproof method: it does not always work. Moreoever, when it does work, you do not always win. But you do tend to get a meaningful contest, and in particular you often get to kill Captain Galvanar first which makes for fast honor and rep.

(Additionally-it seems that somehow many players do not know this : it is absolutely essential to turn in quest items to the Dun Baldar quest givers, from Horde corpses. ALL of these items award rep. Storm crystals in particular award rep at the rate of 1:1 and as many as 20 can drop from a single horde corpse. Rep gains from storm crystals often exceeded the rep I got from all other sources in a given match. )


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