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This is the most powerful leveling technique I have yet discovered associated with psync.

All  non-permanent warlock minions, eg Imps, the Observer, Vile Fiend etc remain at their original level after party sync has scaled the character that created them downward. 

This leads to a simple strategy whereby you summon one of these minions, confirm party sync, and enjoy watching the summoned creature/s destroy anything in the vicinity. The only issue with this is timing (see this post for how to execute this strategy quickly  https://www.patreon.com/posts/33133208 )

There is one summon that is significantly more powerful than all the others-and it is the last one you'd think of because it is a destruction rather than a demonology ability-that's Summon Infernal

The reason this ability works so well is that the infernal has a 30 seconds duration-longer than most other summons, and pulses aoe damage killing everything that comes into its area, making it very desirable for killing large packs of trash. There are no timing issues with this ability. 

It is easy to put yourself at a distance from any trash pack by using demonic circle or demonic gate way allowing the infernal to kill everything at a leisurely pace. 


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