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I have seen a number of people mention the leveling potential of a particular quest in BFA. The numbers I had seen were not spectacular and generally speaking, people aren't that crazy about grinding unless it is really worth it, so I hadn't pursued it till now. I was quite surprised how strong this play was when I actually tested it, it appears something has changed since patch 8.1.5 was released.

The quest is "Bone Procession" in Nazmir.


Bone procession is a long way down the Nazmir quest chain. Quests that are apparently unrelated here actually trigger each other so rather than ignore anything in the hope of doing it faster I would simply do everything in the zone and try and enjoy it, until you eventually you stumble on this quest. 

Bone procession requires you to kill multiple reanimated undead dinosaurs. You are given a device which significantly reduces the health of the dinosaurs. The mobs are elites and give five times the average xp of a mob. The exploit here is that when you use the quest item on the dinosaurs you can almost one-shot them but you still get full xp for killing an elite. 

A post from November on wowhead stated the following: 

 The quest item  continues to work as long as the quest isn't turned in, and since quests  at this level tend to give 17-20k xp, killing 3 or 4 of these is worth  1+ quests. Killing 4 of these can be done in under 3 minutes, which is  faster than most quests can be done, especially considering the ride to  and from the questgivers. 

My numbers were much faster than this poster even though I was using only quest greens on a class with no mobility (paladin), I could kill 3 dinosaurs (worth slightly more than a quest in xp) in under one minute and twenty seconds.  I suspect other classes could get this down to well under a minute. I am guessing something changed during patch 8.1.5. 

The dinosaurs seem to have some kind of hyperspawn - there was always one up somewhere in the quest area. 

It is also worth noting there are some really interesting exploit possibilities with other quests in the Nazmir quest chain which I'm still working on.


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