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The following dupe took me many hours of play to perfect and refine and is still the subject of ongoing development. Please check back here for updates as I and possibly others add content to this article for improvements.  

This exploit is best used with a partner or a second account*

You may use class trial characters for this exploit if you wish.


1. Fly two characters of opposite factions to Stormshield Ashran, and then fly to the alliance keep and land in the immediate area in front of the entrance.  Try walking up the steps to the keep and stopping on the top step. As you do this it should say "Ashran Stormshield Keep Combat Zone" in red. it is this tiny area you need to be in. 

The game now thinks you are in the Ashran pvp zone-which, of course, no longer exists in its original form. 

2. Using two accounts and/or two characters of opposite factions have the Horde player kill an Alliance player in the aforementioned zone. the player will drop "artifact fragments" 100% of the item, and sometimes other items. 

3. Have the Horde player loot the artifact fragments and other items.

4. Run the ghost Alliance character into the Stormshield inn. Log them out. Log them back in. You will notice that their skeleton reappears with loot sparkles back at the alliance keep.

5. Loot the sparkling skeleton with the horde player. 

6. Repeat.

Now the artifact fragments are worthless (EDIT: untrue, see bottom of article) , but sometimes you will sometimes get a strange junk item to drop. What this item is depends on the race but it can always be vendored for 10 gold. 

You can just run steps 1 through 6 as a raw gold dupe. It can be easily automated with a mouse recorder (you can download these for free online).

However, it is worth pointing out that the junk items are otherwise unobtainable items, which means they have a value far greater than their vendor value. It is not possible to work out their exact market value but it clearly is possible to sell them for a lot of gold. 

The most valuable item on the list is: "The Autographed Portrait Of Jaina Proudmoore"


I noticed one person tried to sell this item for 900,000 gold according to wowuction. That sounds insane for a trash item, but a number of sources suggest that this item can be sold for at very least thousands of gold to collectors, especially on role-play realms. 

If you look at the wowhead link above you will see that even when ashran was active the item was already considered "expensive" due to its importance to warcraft lore.

I would not go too crazy with putting too many of these items on the auction house at once: this is a niche market. Putting up more than one at a time seriously devalues the item/s. But you can build up an effectively limitless inventory,  and put one of each type of item up at a time on the auction house with a reasonable expectation that they will sell eventually. As long as Ashran is inaccessible these items will grow in value.

*It is possible to use this dupe solo using my "method zero" technique most of you will be familiar with from my many leveling videos. This approach will be slower than using a partner or multi-boxing. 

EDIT: You can turn the artifact fragments into honor with the use "Disposable Pocket Flying Machine" from Dazzier or Crafticus Mindbender in Warspear and Stormshield respectively. This item gives you 1 honor for every 2 artifact fragments.


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