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 I saw the following bug reported on the offical forums. I am in the process of confirming this report and have not verified it so if you attempt to use it at this stage I can not make any guarantees you will not have your time wasted, but I like to give players the option of investigating themselves rather than waiting until I have all the information:


So  apparently there is a buff that some player’s are getting after looting  the giant chests that contain the Dread Aspirant’s gear called “[DNT] -  Flavor Spell 10” and it’s there to prevent them from looting the large  chests repeatedly. But for the players that are able to see this, they  can right click it and remove the buff and loot the chests, resulting in  infinite 340+ loot. Literal endless loot. I did this a few times before  I realized what was even happening, and after realizing immediatly  stopped and opened a ticket to get the exploited loot removed from my  bags.

But this is a pretty big problem that blizzard should be aware of.  Please don’t send out bans before they can get rid of the stuff I looted  though <3

Also, if you’re a player reading this, don’t use it. It’s clearly not intented and could possibly result in a bann.

Will update this post shortly.

Update: So this appears to be related to incursions/what everyone seems to be still calling invasions and are large gleaming chests as opposed to the small treasure chests you find everywhere. Simply looting a chest does not cause any specific buff or debuff to appear, so something specific is causing this to happen. 

I tried to do this manually with the macro "/cancelaura [DNT] - Flavor Spell 10" which gets the error message that DNT is an unknown macro.


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