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In Part 1 of this guide I discussed the potential of boosting a character with the assistance of a twink character locked at a specific level, either to level your own accout/s or to provide a significant amount of gold as a service to other players.

In Part 1 I outlined how to boost a levelling character from 1-60. 

In Part 2 we'll discuss opportunities at higher levels, and also the existence of an exclusive amazing speculative opportunity for gold farming twink items.

60-70 is problematic. The differential between best in slot gear and average gear is not that great and my experiments in this area did not yield interesting results. I'm willing to revise this opinion if I see evidence to the contrary but at the moment my working assumption is that it is better to just use a high-level character to boost a levelling character and eat the loss of xp from trash mobs, relying on the dungeon completion bonus. 

70-80 has a different issue: it is so easy to solo raids and heroic dungeons in this bracket it isn't necessary to do anything as complex as twinking. 

80-85 This is where it begins to get interesting. Players can acquire MOP 409 gear from this very helpful list:


at level 80. This is one of the biggest gulfs between average and optimized ilvl in the whole game. These are world drops and can't be farmed easily. They are however all Bind On Equip, so can be purchased from the auction house. They are not cheap but not that expensive either, mostly falling in the 5-10K average price range.

Also note that at 81 there is a rogue trinket with a truly exceptional 450 ilvl, ie for rogues  http://www.wowhead.com/item=86525/bloodsoaked-chitin-fragment and a similarly overpowered necklace for all classes http://www.wowhead.com/object=213649/cache-of-pilfered-goods. These are simply lying about in Pandaria.

The consensus seems to be that Jade Serpent is the best instance to run through in this bracket due to its relatively small size. 


I got the idea for these articles from running Mogu'Shan Vaults. 

This is my favourite gold farm and I believe it to be the best basic raw gold farm in the game. You simply go the entrance to the Vaults in Kun-Lai Summit, set it to 25 min, and kill all the stone lions up to the 4 bosses, leave the instance and reset. 

You get a ton of greens from doing this which I vendor (though they will sell eventually for a lot more on the ah, if you are into TSM and patient). You also get spirits of harmony which supplement your vendor gold quite nicely. What turns this simple gold farm opportunity however is the 450 ilvl pieces that drop approximately once per instance lockout of ten runs.

Just for these reasons the farm is a pretty good one, but there's an additional factor. 

The 450 blues can be equipped at level 85 making them very overpowered for their level. The average ah price is a nice supplement to the raw gold and spirits, but  they have a much greater potential value than is apparent from the listed prices. This is because, of course, they are great for twinking. At the moment there is zero awareness of the potential for speed levelling via boosted twinking-but as that changes so will the price go up.

Doing this farm you will hit instance lockout quite quickly. If you have more time to spare you can run Heart Of Fear (normal 25-man or lfr) more or less indefinitely to try and get these items.

For those that don't want to farm the 85 blues you can simply buy them off the ah and/or acquire some overpowered trinkets, neck items and weapons at level 86 from this list of treasures: http://www.wowhead.com/item=86523/swarming-cleaver-of-karoz#comments:id=2326558. 

90-100 is very simple to twink, just buy some of the 640 crafted items from the ah. Note for people aspiring to sell services-it is not clear that there would a demand for speed levelling this bracket given that it is relatively easy to farm treasures and rares solo without any special gear. For this reason I would recommend it only as part of an overall levelling package. 

Bloodmaul Slag Mines seems to be the universally recommended dungeon to level in this bracket.

100-110  The concept of 101 twinks has already been comprehensively discussed in the warcraft community. Essentially you grind up enough gold to purchase 840+ gear and crafted legendaries in all the slots you can.

As above, despite the fact that a 101 twink has considerable advantages over a 101 character in greens, the existence of demon invasions means that those selling twink boosts would have a market limited to the very impatient, so should probably only be done by specialists or as part of an overall package.

EDIT: In two links above Patreon's software doesn't seem able to process urls with #'s in. The links will send you to the right page but not the right point on the page.  If you want to go to the right part of the web page cut the bit at the end of the url from the article, click on the article and paste it to the end of the url. 


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