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 A gentleman called Raven contacted me privately by youtube message explaining how to access a strange experimental scenario, anywhere in the game on retail wow.  At first I thought he was talking about beta or private servers-he isn't.  

To explore the Coldridge Cataclysm instance of Eastern Kingdoms, just simply open your Group Finder window and type /click GroupFinderFrameGroupButton2  it will force the pve window to the hidden scenario window which you can now queue up to the hidden unused scenario. 

(Archvaldor EDIT: It seems that if you try this as horde every npc is hostile. Testing this now). 

From there you can see you're in control of a female dwarf "vehicle?" and the first task of the scenario quest doesnt work, and if you attempt to mount up you'll see the mount goes ontop of your head and you dont have mount speed.. however to work around this.. Alt+F4 and upon logging back in you'll still be in the scenario but as your character who can mount up.. but can't fly.. but if you leave the scenario zone and Alt+F4 in Dun Morogh, upon logging back in, you will be able to fly once again (notice the mountains of coldridge valley are green when viewed at distance (dont attempt to fly back to the zone else you'll get dismounted). 

From here, feel free to explore the entirety of the eastern kingdoms in a private phase with no phase load lines, and no fatique when you fly out over the ocean so you can explore literally up to the invisible walls of the continent. there isn't anything noteworthy to see, but it's just neat to explore a completely empty eastern kingdoms with no players, etc.

Raven also added the following message: 

 I also forgot to mention, this hidden scenario queuing could serve some  exploit use in the fact if you add to the macro: /run PVEFrame:Show()  /click GroupFinderFrameGroupButton2 /click  ScenarioQueueFrameFindGroupButton /run PVEFrame:Hide()  you can use this  to instant queue up to the scenario to escape pvp combat if you were  about to get killed. or if you are killed, don't release and enter into  the scenario and when you exit, you'll spawn back alive and with full  health... I guess it also can serve the same purpose as the proving  grounds, as a way to quickly exit raids/dungeons, etc. Anyways, won't be  much of a loss if Blizzard got the heads up about it and patched it out  if you shared it :) as there's other methods to do the other things  mentioned here without the scenario. So hope you consider sharing the  unreleased scenario with others :P 

One thing Raven does not mention: there is a trainer for each class in the coldridge scenario who can port you directly to the proving grounds. This means you can effectively port to the proving grounds anywhere in the world and get healthstones, health regeneration and reset all your cooldowns (even things like bribe) by starting the proving grounds countdown. Simply enter the coldridge scenario, que for the proving grounds, leave the coldridge scenario, and you'll then get a window for proving grounds when you return to the world.

There is almost certainly a lot more to do with this that we haven't discovered yet. (EDIT: see Michael's post below)


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