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In various posts I have mentioned "Lag7", this is essentially a simple lag switch program which causes your client to lag when pressing a hotkey.

Lag7 is very useful for exploiters mainly because in offline state your character's current speed is preserved and any buffs you may be using do not run down. So if you have a two-second buff of 400% speed using lag7 you can extend this to 10 seconds (2 seconds normal buff duration + 8 seconds lagging). Generally if you leave it longer than 8 seconds of lag your client will be logged out and you will not be able to rejoin the game without logging-in again. 

The practical impact of lag7 is huge. You can see the effects in my pvp video here: https://youtu.be/curSNDvHf00?t=135 . Essentially you can trivialize any kind of flag-capping pvp and escape combat at will. You can also run dungeons/raid in a fraction of the normal time dramatically increasing your farming speed. 

Recently a number of posters have pointed out there is no active link for lag7 as the last remaining link has been taken down, so I've re-uploaded it here:  files.fm/f/tss4krxt 

Although this file has been virus-checked by me and Patreon Izaak Schachterle, whose assistance in this matter I greatly appreciate, I downloaded it originally from an anonymous source, and members are strongly encouraged to scan the file themselves using any appropriate security software before downloading this or any other file. That said I've used this version of lag7 for years without issues.


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