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The Heart Of Fear Raid in the Dread Wastes of Pandaria has been a lucrative source of exploits for years now. 

A while back ergosumbi posted this exploit http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-exploits/560494-unlimited-hof-trash-farm.html , essentially you fight through to the trash surrounding the first boss in the second chamber.  Once there you change the instance from "normal" to "heroic" (right-click on your character pane in the top-left of the screen to get this option). This resets all the trash in the second chamber. Change to "heroic" to "normal" once you complete farming the restored trash, and so on.

For some time this has been the best way of farming "spirits of harmony" an essential item for making Sky Golems mounts (invaluable to herbalists) and worth around 400G each.

The main problem with the reset method is the cooldown on the reset of the difficulty level of a minute. Some classes can clear all the trash in 15 seconds with optimized macros. This leaves a 45-second period where the player is essentially doing nothing. 

I found a workaround for this, and this is the key to the exploit. Multiple characters do not share this cooldown as they do with instance cap. You'll need two high-level characters for this.

First take your character with the fastest farming potential into the proving grounds at a class trainer, then teleport out so the proving grounds instance is still active. Then take that character and another high-level character to the Heart Of Fear entrance in the Dread Wastes.

Run through Heart Of Fear on the character you set up with the proving grounds precisely eight times killing all the trash up to the last boss, reset the instance, return to the proving grounds and teleport out again to return to the outside of the instance and repeat this eight times. 

Open a second client.

For the final run clear all the trash up to the last boss. Reset the dungeon difficulty and kill the trash again. 

Log-in to your second client on your other high-level character (DO NOT log-out on your first character) and clear all the trash up to the last boss. Reset the dungeon difficulty and kill all the trash. 

Now, you can keep switching between characters and resetting the trash without incurring the one minute cooldown. 

The main reason to do this farm is to get spirits of harmony. These sell very fast indeed in my experience, generally within an half an hour of being posted. This on a dying realm. For this reason it is an excellent alternative to the rogue class order hall trial once you hit class trial cap with that method or it gets nerfed. It is the closest thing to a raw gold farm which isn't actually a raw gold farm. 

You'll also receive some greens, a little raw gold and the occassional pattern (these are actually worth something, you may trying selling them on high population realms, but I haven't factored them into my calculations as they don't sell on my server). 

You can do significantly better than 20K per hour using a few other tricks. For example it is possible to pull mobs from the adjacent chamber using attacks which go through walls (eg hunter explosive shot, mage frozen orb) without killing the first boss. Herbalists can also get "plundered treasures" (raw gold, motes of harmony and various other materials) from the mobs they kill if they can find a golden lotus herb in Pandaria. These methods are somewhat inaccessible however, though I may cover them in future posts if I can find ways to make them more practical for all classes/professions.

Note also that the spirits of harmony are worth a lot more than their ah value to players who are creating Sky Golems and selling them since they need an excessive amount of these items to create the mount. This is of interest to exploiters because one of the key ways to make money from class trials is by using these cloned characters as engineers to get around the once-a-day restriction on the creation of "Jard's Peculiar Energy Source", which is needed for this mount. I will cover this in more detail in a future guide.


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