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Some further comments on this exploit, original article here:-


I was quite surprised by the number of people who expressed in interest in doing this exploit with hunters/locks at the highest raid level. I should stress that I have only done this with a priest so far, and while I have tested it throughly with guardian pets, there may be additional issues with hunter/lock mechanics that will only become apparent when tested. I am currently working towards this on my hunter and will add further information as soon as possible.

Be aware also that using exploits in high-level raiding to get mythic gear can lead to a ban. I was in communication with several teams who used my Icicles exploit in MOP at heroic level (then the highest level), many experienced countermeasures.

This exploit requires you reach exalted with the Netherwing Drake faction. 

This took me the best part of a week. BC rep grinds are tough-even at 110 they require a lot of time. There are a few tricks which help quite a bit:

1) The initial questline which begins with Mordenai (64.0, 61.0 approximately, he wanders about a bit) and his quest "Kindness" begins a short initial quest chain which takes you from hated to neutral with the netherwing. This is awarded as a lump sum of 40,000 rep and is affected by rep bonuses-so doing this as a human if you a choice which toon to use as 4K extra rep will take you quite a way towards your goal (because of the racial human rep bonus). Also the Darkmoon Faire carousel and top hat buffs have the same effect, so you may wish to wait for the Faire if you haven't started the chain already.

2) Netherwing Crystals can be looted from mobs in the area, regardless of whether you are actually on the same quest of the same name. Don't junk these, they can be used for instant quest completion each day. 

3) The quest "Not So Friendly Skies" can be glitched by simply waiting on the wooden jetty on the edge of quest area. After around thirty seconds to a minutewaiting one of the Dragonmaw riders will spawn-kill them and another will respawn fairly quickly. This is a lot easier than trying to kill them where you are supposed to on the floating rocks as they often fall down into the twisting nether if you mess it up.

4) Netherwing eggs are best looted on the area on the left that is cordoned off by a wooden barrier and has flayers wandering around, as you enter the mine-if you have a goblin glider you can use it to fly over the barrier, you'll need to jump on a mine cart to get enough height. Just walk up and down this area pulling everything.

5) When you get to honoured and revered you get a low-level trinket which produces a little dragon. Don't throw this away! This guy aggros everything for you and does speed up the farming. Note for older players: since legion pet kills can be looted even if your character doesn't attack the mob, this changes the nature of farming quite a lot.

You can get roughly 10 Netherwing eggs per hour - 2500 rep per hour or 2750 if human. Again this can be increased with the Darkmoon Faire or potentially other rep buffs, it may be adviseable to stack them for this reason. 


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