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Some years ago the exploiter Mothership made this post on Ownedcore.com: http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-exploits/498276-dmf-fly-9-sec-any-zone.html

Essentially you accept the Firebird Challenge from Ziggie Sparks at the Darkmoon Faire giving you a flying buff that persists for up to 9 seconds. If you accept a port (eg lfr, bg que, summons etc) the buff will persist for its natural duration. This enables you to fly temporarily in instances.

This method has been fixed for some time, I checked it quite recently post 7.2. The brilliant and perceptive Lord Slaain recently contacted me with the good news the glitch is working again.

The buff duration can be extended with Lag7. After approximately eight seconds your location will no longer be picked up the server, so that's approximately 17 seconds worth of flying (-screen load time), this is usually enough to get out of any instance.

For explorers offline state can be extended indefinitely, meaning you can fly anywhere in the instance. 

I have used this method in the position to farm gold from old LFR instances and skip bosses-you simply enter an old LFR instance through the relevant NPC, teleport out of dungeon, go to darkmoon and get the buff, then re-enter the raid. It can be used in current content with the assistance of a small team for summoning purposes. 

PVP zones have stronger countermeasures against this sort of play: attempting to leave a starting zone will result in being teleported to the start, however you can get round this with lag (which prevents teleport), also you can simply use the techique to gain height at the start of a bg or rbg and then use a goblin glider when the gates open. If you can engage the enemy before they reach choke point you can dismount them and allow your team to cap flags and entrench themselves essentially making a win certain in tight contests.

There are many other creative applications for this exploit.


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