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In Arathi Basin at the stables there is an interesting strategy possible which I have never seen published before and may well form the basis of a more general method useable in other pvp situations. 

Go inside the stable building, facing the flag, jump onto one of the posts next to the horses, mount up and jump to the right and make your way to the front of the building to the aperture (what looks like a window with no glass) on the right-hand side.  

If you jump you will briefly gain line-of-sight with the flag which makes it impossible to cap. Jumping and spamming ranged attacks you can attack and, uniquely, cannot be attack in return since you are only in line-of-sight for a fraction of a second.  You can also heal-possibly avoiding los issues by using aoe heals such as the Priest's Prayer Of Mending-monks and warlock can also use this as an excellent Demonic Circle/Transference location.

Preventing flag caps is not even restricted to ranged classes-I was able to defend the flag as a Vengance Demon Hunter simply throwing glaives.  

To gain line-of-sight over a broader area you can actually jump into the aperture, though this will make you attackable from range and give you the same advantages as a normal terrain exploit (eg roof jumping). 

To actually kill a player using this strategy is not really practical with the possible exception of a havoc demon hunter-the vast majority of players couldn't figure out how to get up there and attack me at all. You really have to know how to get up there. Death grip can work but mostly seems to glitch out in practice.

In most RBG's where teams are relatively balanced this strategy should result in a win since it should be impossible to take the stables even with a relatively light defense.

Exploiting partial line-of-sight is not a strategy I have ever seen implemented in pvp but it clearly has a lot of potential, having none of the disadvantages of terrain exploits.


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