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When damage buffs to low-level mobs attacked by high-level players were brought in at the start of Warlords Of Draenor, Blizzard feared that frost mages would use their "Icicles" mastery ability, which stores damage from frostbolt in the form of an icicle, to exploit. 

The thinking went like this: max level frost mage attacks low-level mob (eg critter) with frostbolt doing millions of damage. They then unleash an icicle composed of this damage onto a high-level target, breaking the game. For this reason they designed icicles to store an amount of damage equivalent to that if a high-level target had been attacked. 

Somehow when they designed the level 100 Glacial Spike talent they forgot about this modifier. Currently Glacial Spike, which requires five icicles to activate, incorporates the full damage from any low-level target.

Of course, this requires a special situation where the player can attack a low-level target while simultaneously attacking a high-level target. And when this is possible, some environments seem to have been designed to eliminate this angle-for example attacking a critter in the Broken isles then switching to a high-level mob produces no abnormal damage. 

However, situations exist in old world duelling and world pvp, timewalking (critters), holiday dungeons (Frost Lord Ahune for example), Darkmoon Faire, some instanced pvp such as SOTA, and probably other situations I haven't conceived of yet.


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