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Recently I have posted many levelling exploits-almost exclusively to do with solo levelling.

There's two reasons for that:

1) For a fair comparison with solo levelling you have to include both your own time and that of your friends. I think it is a little insulting to ignore your friends labour as some youtubers/streamers do.

2) I can't work with other people in game since I can potentially compromise the security of their accounts. 

That said, it has recently come to my attention there is a major opportunity for two or more person levelling. This would be the fastest conceivable form of levelling other than actually buying a boost.

Various exploiters over the years have noticed there are several ways to bypass dungeon content using a variety of tricks. The master of this particular art is a guy called Shiekrunner who has taken the concept of speedrunning and brilliantly applied several glitches to optimize his runs for this purpose. Here's an example of his work: (BC dungeons) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iqm61Y2o-zM&spfreload=10

(Warlords Of Draneor) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr3Ckojp3aM&spfreload=10

Now, you can't skip to the end of a dungeon and kill the end-boss to maximize xp gain for the benefit of a lowbie. There is a significant bonus for completing all dungeon objectives. 

However, with two (or more) boosting players you can do this:

1) Player A uses skip method to access end boss and kill him swiftly.

2) Player B runs through dungeon normally.

The two players aren't replicating their effort travelling through the same area and consequently they can clear dungeons much faster than normal, thereby levelling up a low-level player instantaneously. 

Naturally this will not be possible in all dungeons, but Shiekrunner has provided a great deal of content illustrating the details of how to do this in those which can already. There are also proximity issues which have to be solved on a case by case basis.


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