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There is an older technique used in wow known as the "soft reset" where you:

1. Have your character exit an instance completely.

2. Return after half an hour.

This method has been used since original Burning Crusade to reset trash.

However in MOP Remix* you can actually use this method to reset a boss (and his surrounding trash packs). The second boss of Heart Of Fear Blade Lord Ta'yak.

You can do this repeatedly while running LFR or farming the Dread Wastes.

WARNING: if you complete the whole raid, you will be placed in the latter half of the instance and unable to access the blade lord, as the doors are closed. It is recommended you only complere the instance just before reset if this is possible.

*This actually works in retail but is less useful there, though I have farmed it in the past for the pet drop which used to sell quite fast.


Anna Luft

so i ran into a problem when fully clearing the instance, while he does indeed respawn, when i enter the instance i spawn before the second to last boss and the doors back are all closed, anyone know how you can get back to blade lord?

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

OH sorry Anna I forgot that happens. I couldn't find any way out of that situation. I mean there are exploration methods but they aren't very practical. Still instance reset so your problem should go away by tomorrow.