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“Y-you… really… h-how could y-you…” Eva stammered and blushed so hard that speech was starting to fail her. She, who never had lack of words to say, was now stammering like a teenage schoolgirl. She realized that more and more, the longer she spent her time in the company of this… this devil, the more she would splutter, her mind would be spun out of whack and he would constantly get the better of her whenever they engage in a war of words. She wanted to groan out loud, but bit down on her tongue and just stopped short of doing it. She would NOT lose to him – at least, not outwardly!

He chuckled quietly after pulling her closer to his body and continued on dancing. “Stop thinking about your worthless sister, Eva. Didn’t I tell you to focus on me alone? Don’t ruin the moment by overthinking, okay?” he whispered again. The mischief in his voice now gone. All that was left was his mesmerizing tenor voice filling her ears.

“I can’t help it. Jessa is very charming and beautiful… just like you.” She shrugged helplessly, turning her eyes away from looking at his. Though she did not want to admit it, she still said it. It was a fact to her, that would not go away even if she denied it.

“Oh… really?” was all that he said, throwing a glance at the woman Eva was talking about. Jessa Young was… well, she indeed had a pretty face. She had the look of a delicate and innocent doll, making men who look at her want to fawn over her and protect her. “I think I’m very much offended, Eva. How could you even compare me to her?!” he even sniffed arrogantly, as though looking down on the comparison.

“What…??” Eva looked at him, confused. Not quit getting what he was referring to.

“That woman is nowhere near as charming as I am. She is not even close to you! And you are telling me that she is just like… me?” Gage made a face as though he had sniffed something foul smelling.

Her frown deepened. It was obvious she did not believe him from the way her face was showing disbelief and that only made Gage shook his head in amusement. This woman of his had no idea at all on how beautiful she really was! With her long wavy red hair that were like flames lighting up his insides and her electric blue eyes – usually kept behind her oh-so-stern black framed glasses – that could shock him every time he stared into those orbs. She was the definition of an utter seductress if she dressed the part and acted it out well.

“Well, you will see what I am talking about later.” He said with a smirk and soon the dance finally ended. He bowed smartly at her and she curtsied beautifully at him. And everyone sighed at that beautiful scene of a couple perfectly matched to each other.

Just as they were about to head back to their table, Julian and Jessa walked up to them and blocked their way.

“How about an exchange of partner, Mr. Acheron?” Julian offered rather gentlemanly in his manner. His dazzling smile flashing as he looked at Eva, his fake veneer of a man of breeding not fooling Gage in the least. But Eva ignored his smile as her gaze was fixed on Jessa as she made that innocent angel-like face before Gage.

Eva saw her act and wanted to puke. What a brazen little hussy!

“May I have this dance with you, Miss…” Julian was desperate to get the attention of that goddess who was on Mr. Acheron’s arm.

“Evelyn Lee.” Gage was the one who answered for Eva as Eva’s attention was still fully fixed on Jessa. He curled his lips as he thought of how his little tigress was behaving more like a kitten whose fur was standing on end, hissing and snarling as though someone was taking away her most favorite thing.

Jessa on the other hand was almost literally drooling shamelessly as she ogled Gage with what she thought was an inconspicuous and discreet look. How dare this woman! Was something wrong with her head? Julian was standing right next to her and there she was, acting like a dumbstruck fool?! Eva could hardly stop herself from scolding her.

She was never close to Jessa. In fact, she had barely even seen her before because Jessa had been sent abroad and grew up overseas. When she came back home, Eva had been too busy with her work to bother about her sister. Despite being sisters in name, the two of them do not know each other well at all.

“Mr. Acheron, may I have this dance?” Jessa’s sweet as sugar voice echoed as she reached out in an attempt to hold Gage’s arm when…

Eva suddenly stepped in between them, pushing Jessa’s hand away lightly just before she could touch Gage.

“Apologies, Ms. Young. But Mr. Acheron is off-limits.” Eva said boldly, her tone clipped and stern, clearly not giving Jessa any room to maneuver.



well alright then! Get her Eva!

Stephanie Jones

Oh Dam!! You go Eva! Claim yo man! 😂😂😂