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“Hmm… you sure about that? I don’t think that the asshole recognized you, though...” Gage’s tone suggested something else, but Eva could not understand what it was for now.

Her brows pulled together for a moment before she quickly faked a smile, remembering that she was attending as her new persona, Evelyn Lee tonight. “Are you sure?”

“Stop thinking about him and just focus on me, darling. Even if he did recognize you, he won’t dare to approach you and make a scene in this place.” He chuckled at that.

“You are right.” Eva then gave a sharp nod and readjusted her mood and aura to match the seductive beauty, Evelyn Lee.

“Though… since he’s an idiot, he might. But I am here for you. So just relax and enjoy.” Gage lifted his glass and nodded at her with that devilish smile plastered on his face.

Soon, the dazzling dancefloor started to be filled with couples going on and enjoying themselves. Gage seemed to pass the disco and quick dances but when the music slowed, he stood and offered Eva his hand rather chivalrously.

Eva of course, did not hesitate to accept his offer and thus, the two of them waltzed off towards the dancefloor that was exuding a romantic ambience. Eva’s glittering silvery dress was just so stunning that not only the men were gawking at her, but the females were too! However, the men were looking at her with a look that had a glint of hunger, while the women were staring green in envy or with unfriendly eyes.

“Your ex kept throwing glances your way, Eva.” Gage whispered close in her ear as they danced, giving the impression that the two of them were in a romantic and loving conversation with each other. The ladies who were looking on could not help but sigh out in envy at the sight.

Raising a brow, Eva glanced to her side, but it was not Julian that she saw first. Jessa came into her view, and she was staring at… Gage. This little… was she serious?! How could she look at another man with eyes like that while dancing with her man?

Eva shut her eyes and took a deep a breath. Then another fake sweet smile tugged at her lips as she tried to gather herself. She needed all her wits about her to deal with this disgusting couple.

“And Jessa is staring at you, do you know that? I can even hear her thoughts already.” she told Gage in a low voice. Though her lips were smiling, the tone in her voice changed slightly.

“That’s interesting. Mind telling me what this Jessa’s thoughts are about?”

“I bet she must be coming up with an elaborate plan on how to hit on you later.” Eva sneered a little as she told Gage that.

“Hmm… if she does try to hit on me, are you going to let that happen and just watch from the sidelines, darling?” Gage pretended to be scandalized and raised a brow at her.

Eva’s brows knotted and suddenly, she forgot about her façade and glared at Gage. His question had immediately put in numerous unwanted thoughts in her head. If she did not do anything to stop Jessa, will Gage reciprocate once Jessa really makes a move on him? Was he really going to fall for Jessa’s charm just like how Julian did? He would welcome Jessa’s advances on him?!

Her grip on him suddenly tightened and she did not know why she dropped her head. She hated this. She hated how her heart and mind were in such turmoil right now! Because… when it comes to matters such as these, her confidence was really low. She did not know how to charm men, and she was never even interested to learn it. Now, she suddenly had a pang of regret of not learning it – even if was just a little.

But right now… was this dread that she was feeling coiling low in her belly? Was she afraid that Jessa would take Gage away from her and…
Her imagination took over and went on overdrive.

All the possible future outcomes once Jessa takes Gage flashed across her mind one after another in a dizzying array of scenes that caused her heart to shrivel up bit by bit. She imagined that Gage would then revoke their contract and she would then get kicked out of his house and her position as his personal secretary. She would then not be able to execute her revenge on her family anymore and Gage would then…

“Eva.” His cool and minty breath that had literally touched the insides of her ear jolted her back to reality. He was so close to her that his lips were brushing against her ear. “What in the world are you going into a tizzy for, huh? Little Tigress?”

Eva pulled her head away to stare at him, her eyes still containing traces of her dazed condition from earlier. “You…” her expression suddenly turned so fierce. “If you get yourself charmed by Jessa and dare to revoke our contract, I will… I’m going to… going to… to bury you alive, do you hear me?!!” she stammered a little as she threatened him at the end.

Her expression was so serious that Gage had to bite down on his lower lip to stop himself from chuckling out loud, in case he offended this tigress that already had her fur brushed up the wrong way. She had no idea she looked absolutely adorable at this moment.

Bending closer, he moved his lips so close to her ear again and whispered in a mischievous voice. “I would f**king love it if you bury me… deep inside you, darling.”

A short silence passed as Eva processed what he had just said.

She blinked for a few times. Her fair face flared a deep shade of red while Gage cleared his throat seemingly amused at both the words he had spouted and her priceless expression to it. He would never get bored with this little tigress by his side.


Stephanie Jones

OMG!! 😂😂😂 That Gage so steamy and kinky all at the same time. He loves getting her all flustered. 😂😂

Jessica Yang

Awwww. Gage is charming 🥰