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A few days ago I was talking with my buddy Gleb Melnikov (who not only colors his own stuff very often, but also E N J O Y S doing it) about coloring our own comics. Of course, Gleb works for Boom! with Roman Titov now, but never in my life have I met another comic artist so enthusiastic about coloring his own pages  and willing to do so :D 

As for myself, after Undertow I'm probably never going to color a full book. Even a short or one-shot could be too much. And during the conversation with Gled, I realized that the main issue with me and colors is that I just don't think of them as base of my work. I can do maybe ten pages and then start seeing the scene in colors. And most of the times, the color choices are totally interchangeable, which is not how a choice works for me in ink. Or even TONE.

Like, here I knew exactly where I want to see my screentones right away:

And sometimes, I might want to go for more nuanced look in a scene. But it's never in actual colors in my head - just some tonal trickery, which I can then pass to my dear colorist as a guidance:

90% of times I'm just doing something with clouds, haha:

Anyway, I really wonder how often comic artists imagine their pages in colors and how many of their choices are dictated by it. Not too many with me, but in exchange for the monochrome vision, from time to time I get to be positively shocked by the colorists I work with!

P.S. I know that dogs actually see colors ;) So am I!



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