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This book is - hopefully - very close not only to its completion, but to official announcement, too. I'm doing Stalinism on issues 4 and 5 (out of 5) while the other guys are killing it on colors and covers. I desperately want to talk about this book, and at least I can do it for a little while here!

As I'm sure I've already mentioned here before, during my 7 Deadly Sins run I began inking some pages on sheets of A4 paper instead of A3. It was supposed to save me some time (haha yeaaaaah sure) and ass-pain with my confined work place, but most of all, it helped me to gain more control over my page space and restrain some of my inking excesses.

If you compare pages 1 and 3 here, you could kinda see how page 3 is "easier" and less needy in details department. But page 2 is closer to page 1 in its nature. And yet, I KNOW, that if I start inking page 2 on A3 paper, I'll just get carried away and probably botch it with too much shit. Some of you are probably familiar with this stupid urge to cover your entire piece of paper with equable amount of "details", and even though I'm preaching for white space as the most important part of a comic page, I still commit this decorative art school mistake all the time.

So basically, in 70% times I know what paper I will be using for each page right after layouts, and I do my digital pencils with this information in my head. I'm not one of those methodical and consistent artists who ink their main figure contours with 0,8 liner, backgrounds with 0,5 and then finesse their details and hatching with 0,3 (none of that "professional" sounding bullshit, haha!), so I can do all sorts of stuff with any instruments I have on any size of paper. 

(With 7  Deadly Sins I had two different size nibs for most of the book, and it allowed me to jump between A3 and A4 pretty successfully, too, but this limitation still turned me away from "maining" with nibs for years to come. More than that, I actually dislike 2/3 of A3 pages from 7 Sins - in the end, I still find them too often over-rendered and more messy than I'd want them to be. Like this one page right here, holy fucking shit, I need an eraser:)

Anyway, those are my thought on my own obsessions and self-control. I think that people are sometimes baffled with me using different paper sizes?.. But remember, that in the end, A3 is only slightly bigger than the "classic" Comic Artist Paper (which I don't have access to), and A4 is only slightly smaller than that. So in a way, I'm tiptoeing around the same golden standard, heh! And I'm still selling A4 pages for lesser amounts of money.

P.S. Speaking of which: remember, you could always get yourself one of the smaller-sized pages at our $70 tier in just one month! That - and some pretty humiliating auctions on eBay - is the cheapest way to get my original art, haha.



Guy Pradel

I recognize myself a lot in this "stuff as much shit as you can in a page" kind of inclination. My own way to have more white space was to add more solid blacks on my pages (if it make sense). Anyway, great pages, as usual. That middle panel on page 3 is amazing.


You're doing pretty great with your details, man! And yeah, I've been trying to pour more black into my pages, too - but I know I can't do Toth no matter how much I want to