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This video has been in the works for a LONG time- since March 2023, so we're just under the one year mark!- and I'm excited and frankly relieved to finally be able to share it!

Because of all the copyrighted content, I'm not able to post it on YouTube just yet- I'm disputing Netflix right now which might take up to a month (LMAO) so please enjoy it in full uploaded directly to Patreon. Never done that before... Let's find out if Patreon is a decent video platform together!

I had the idea for this video almost immediately, during the first 20 minutes of watching the Chris Rock special live on March 4, 2023. Originally I was like "This is such a simple idea, I could write and film and edit it in two weeks!" HA! Young Goblin was a fool.



This owns. You are a good little goblin. Very smart and thorough work. Re the "She's yo' daddy" joke. Even if the punchline is that Rock misgenders her, I would assume that the humour comes from Rock setting up his allyship then doing a slapstick fall at the end. With that framing, I am not laughing at the parent, or trans people in general, I'm laughing at Rock building himself up ("As an artist...") then still making a mistake that lots of people, even allies, accidentally make. But then I have basically no context for Chris Rock, he's not part of my eternal setup, so as a fan you can presumably see why that interpretation is unlikely to be shared by his audience in a way I can't. Personally, I was always Team Smith, because my setup is hugely influenced by disability politics. For me, it doesn't make any difference if Rock knew about Pinket-Smith's alopecia. I get your point about not knowing that he was making a joke about disability, he thought he was making a joke about a fashion choice. Say she did shave her head as a choice (and she kinda did - it's not like she doesn't have access to ways of creating whatever hairstyle she wants despite alopecia), we know lots of people are hairless for disability reasons, and the joke becomes vicariously about them too; the joke is about a shaven-headed person and can therefore be applied to other shaven-headed people, some of whom are shaven-headed because of disability. For me it wasn't OK, and Smith's response was justified, in fact it was badass. It felt amazing to see an ableist joke getting slapped down so publically, when ableist jokes are still basically fair game in standup, rarely even getting recognised as ableist, let alone critiqued.


Totally get that take! And that's a good point on the trans joke, I'm sure there are other possibilities too, but I had a surprisingly hard time figuring out what the intended punchline was meant to be about.

Masha Sundararaman

This was a great analysis - I love the “eternal set up” concept and will probably be thinking about it for a while to come. Thanks for all you do Mr. Goblin!