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Hey gang! New video is being edited right now and should be up shortly, but I wanted to give you guys some content before then:

Something pretty cool I did recently was go on the Majority Report to hang out with Emma and Matt for a bit. TMR is a leftist podcast/ youtube channel I've been watching since I think 2017 or so, and has been a major factor in my political evolution, so I was really excited to be invited on. I even wore my best "The Michael Brooks Show" shirt for the occasion.

I wasn't sure what we'd be talking about but we ended up going over two of my favourite topics- psychedelics and the JFK assassination. TMR clipped some of the part where I talk about psychedelics for their YouTube channel- which was also very cool for me! But I was hoping they'd clip the JFK segment, Matt and I really went down the rabbit hole on that one.

I was super nervous but I think I came off pretty well! Though I will straight up admit there was one moment in particular where Emma asked me a question, I started to answer it, but then my ADHD got the better of me. I rambled on about some unrelated topics for a while and then weakly tried to tie it back to what I'd been asked. Anyway, I've been playing that moment over and over in my head ever since- see if you can spot it!


Chill Goblin on Majority Report - FULL APPEARANCE

I recently got to do a very cool thing and go on the Majority Report to talk about two of my favourite things- psychedelics and the JFK assassination. Check it out here! Bonus points if you can pinpoint the moment my ADHD got the better of me