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Hey y’all! Thanks and welcome to all my new Cool Ghouls, I’ll send you all a message real real soon if I haven’t already, I SWEAR. Thought I’d give you guys a lil preview of what I’ve written so far! Spoiler alert! As you can see I’m well on track to have this uploaded by the 15th as my agreement with my sponsor specifies.

Been a hectic few weeks after my latest video on gender theory. It’s been by far my highest performing video to date, still doing about twice as well as my 2nd best video was at this time in its life (the Bret Weinstein one). I’ve really enjoyed reading everyone’s comments and takes and I’ll definitely be doing a sequel at some point- it’s a lot of work to read gender theory BUT I do like getting lots of views so it seems like the way to go.

I’ve been uncharacteristically busy these last few weeks. Immediately after I posted my video I travelled out of town to teach kids how to write standup for a comedy camp. Did that for a couple weeks, then I got covid which took me out for a few days.

Even without Covid I knew I’d have not that much time to write/research my next video so I picked a topic I already know a lot about and can talk about literally forever: Stand up comedy.

But despite my intentions of doing zero research for this I ended up reading three whole books:

“That’s not funny: How the right makes comedy work for them” by Matt Sienkiewicz & Nick Marx (Well-written! Horrifying!)

“The Case Against Free Speech: The first amendment, fascism, and the future of dissent” by P.E. Moskowitz (Provocative! Convincing! Historical!)

“Yes, I can say that: When they come for the comedians, we’re all in trouble” by Judy Gold (unfortunately this one sucks as a book, sorry Judy)

So I’ve read these books and now I’m sitting down to write. This is the part of the process that usually takes me the longest but I gotta try and get AT LEAST a first draft done by end of day tomorrow to stay on track for the 15th. Wish me luck!



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