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Just finished filming my newest video! Editing process now underway.

The way I shoot my videos in my tiny ass room is hilarious… I basically put my light on the bed, with my camera across the room from my Bristol board green screen, then I put the teleprompter in front of that with a cheap lav mic going from my iPad all the way to the other side of the room so my voice-activated teleprompter app can hear me talk. Then because I have the teleprompter in front of my camera card I can’t see when I’m filming, I have my TV on my bed, precariously propped up against my guitar amp so it doesn’t fall over. I have a nice soft box light sitting on my bed to my right, jacked up all the way to the ceiling so I don’t get shadows on my green screen. Every time I have to adjust the camera or hit record or refocus or whatever I have to climb over the whole bed, grabbing my light and my TV so they don’t fall over from me walking across the mattress. It takes forever and every time I do it I remind myself how I desperately need to get a better filming setup. It’s so complicated that I don’t think describing it in words really does it justice, I’ll have to draw a map for you folks sometime.

Anyway, I just finished my cursed filming process! My next video will be about whether or not psychedelic drugs like lsd, mushrooms or DMT make people more leftist, empathetic, and progressive. SPOILER ALERT: my answer is no! They don’t. Why is that? You’ll have to check out my new video to find out…

The video could have been so much longer- I find psychedelics so interesting, chemically, historically, culturally, and spiritually- but I ended up cutting out huge chunks of my video that weren’t relevant to my main subject, that were just me talking about how cool drugs are (also had to be careful how I talk about these things in case I upset the YouTube ads program, lol). I’ve done a lot of these substances (IN MINECRAFT OFC, definitely not in real life) and they’ve inspired me to make so much weird art like the picture I attached to this post. On the right substance, sacred geometry can pop up in the most unexpected places.

Also currently finalizing a deal with a company who wants to be my first sponsored ad section! I know, it’s exciting. I can’t tell you how many people have told me “I love your videos but you know what’s missing? A section where you shill for a random unrelated company!” Haha it’s finally time for your boy Chill Goblin to sell out. Corny, I know… but the more money I can make through my videos, the more time I can spend on them and the more videos I can get out to my Cool Ghouls!



What's Therapy

Lmao your recording setup sounds like quite the challenge, can't wait to see the new vid!

Steven Gruber

So doing a bunch of LSD is going to turn me into a Trump voter, then?