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I had a bit of Internet Drama on DeviantArt the other day which ended in me lashing out possibly a little more than I should have. It was frustrating to try to communicate with someone unwilling to have a conversation. I started with some poking and prodding, sure. But I can only take so much. I feel it went beyond name-calling and into accusations that I simply could not tolerate. Judge for yourselves. (This image is meant to be a little tongue-in-cheek. Nobody called law enforcement on me.) http://www.deviantart.com/art/Cadet-Toadette-Fungus-Finder-506938810




I really only have one thing to say to the drama on that. And that is, 'Wat'. Toadette's clearly an adult, or whatever passes for adults in Toad, given we have toad children to compare her to @_@.


Cartoon logic definitely applies here. You wouldn't try to pin down the age of Minnie Mouse or Smurfette, and even in both of those examples there are demonstrable differences between those characters and children of their respective cartoon races. Having said that, I may sorta come to regret unloading the way I did on someone who is quite possibly autistic.


Honestly *AS* an autistic person, in a general sense, we tend to do better if we are told things *DIRECTLY*. We tend to kind of float along in our own slightly skewed version of reality until something bashes up against it hard enough to jostle us. Unless you REALLY unloaded on them in notes/etc later, the comments on the picture don't really seem too extreme. A bit harsh, but not like, really spiteful or anything.


I just vented once and blocked. I didn't like being told that I treat women as sex objects. That was over the line. I mean, I didn't appreciate being called a pedo either.