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I am definitely not the first person to draw Midna in her full regalia while still in the imp form we’d all grown to love over the course of Twilight Princess. But it’s my first attempt, and I’m happy with it. I’m keeping it brief so I don’t go on a disorganized rant on all the things that bug me about TP. Let’s focus on what we like! Cool dungeons, one of the best Hyrule Field themes in the series, and Link’s shortstack companion. (Or is Link her companion? It’s hard to say.)



Dennis Wiles

I owned it on Wii, its unfortunately a period where I dont remember things, I often get sorta flashes of this game if I try to remember hard enough, but it falls in a 3 year period where I dont remember a thing.


Best girl in the game, quite possibly in the series.


That’s because IMO the game suffers from bloat. It’s constantly abandoning storylines. I played the HD version on the Wii U, and I struggle to remember what Zelda’s role in the story is.


Damn straight this is the proper Midna. The "true" Midna was just some generic space-elf looking lady, with none of the charm or personality of the real Midna


I know, right? Especially in a game with so many different races like Gorons, Zoras, and those boobie chickens, and considering how jacked up most of the Hylians look, we’re supposed to accept that the Twili just happen to be conventionally attractive? THANKS NINTENDO