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Before and after sketches for a TF sequence. Nerd TFs are essentially the flip side of the bimbofication coin. Both are things I don’t do often, and try to approach with a respect for the subject. I keep my bimbos from being overtly brain dead and sex-crazed, and I keep my nerds from being too clownish. I feel a tinge of guilt if the subject of these sequences comes out the other end completely miserable. I don’t like the idea of TFs as punishment, which is very common in bimbo and nerd TF. Anyway, more of this sequence is on the way.



David abanes

Now I really want to see Bel as a nerd XD caused by Winifred


My favorite nerd transformation of yours is "Angela's Magic Lesson - All This and Looks Too" when in the midst of becoming a ditz angi starts thinking and becomes a nerdy blond.


hmmm........ now that I'm thinking about it; I wonder what an epilogue to that particular AML would be like!