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Ah, Splatoon, the game I like everything about except actually playing it. I don’t think it’s bad, but I just think online shooters aren’t for me. I’ve talked about this before, so let’s move onto the drawing. A while back I drew Angela as an Inkling. But I haven’t given anyone the Octoling treatment... until today!




Winifred goes to japan where instead of Taco Tuesday, they have Tako Tuesday, bam, octopus ! =D Looks surprisingly good on her lol. (also i agree about loving the game, but not caring to play it, lots of games are that way for me)

David abanes

Hmm I wonder what Splatoon species Shelly would be? maybe a sea anemone like Annie in Splatoon?


Octo wiiiinnnnn, nobody suspects a thiiiinnnng


do you have a ps4 and even if you don't what do you(did you) think of Red dead redemption 2?


I wish to pat her head.


Don’t have a PS4/XBONE, so I didn’t really follow the RDR hype closely enough to form a meaningful opinion.


i really like this one, more than the octang. Win's hair just seems to work really well with the tentacles.