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Looks like the ladies of the Morgan household have settled a little too well into their new roles. Every second they remain goblins, new hairs and warts emerge. All they want to do is eat and watch trashy reality shows. How will they ever get out of this mess?

Damn if I know, this is where I usually stop. Endings, shmendings. I like to draw these weird situations, but finding a way to circle back to status quo isn’t always as interesting. That’s why The Underburbs proper has so little transformation-based peril. It’s fun, but much more difficult to base a compelling or satisfying story around.



Dennis Wiles

Oddly this is probably my favorite patreon image you've ever done.


Thanks! It’s not often I can work multiple characters into the Dailies, let alone with props and dialogue.

Dennis Wiles

Well what ever it is about this one it speaks to me on levels. I like all the dailies but maaaan this one stands out.