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after the cancellation of the Dungeons game i have paused all Patreon Payments for a while to do some thinking about how to continue with the whole 3D art thing. And i did quite a bit of hard thinking. Seems like i am not the best when it comes to doing the thinking because i still have absolutely no idea.

Since setting up the Patreon i found myself having an extremly hard time with "putting a price tag on my work" - or at least feeling that's what i am doing. It's hard to describe. With every new post i found myself panicking about how i could possibly justify actually getting money for this. Especially at times when the Stuff wasn't even that exciting. What could i possibly give back for all the support and love i am getting? There simply is no amount of Polls, game updates and silly renders i can make to balance that. I'm not sure how to put it all into words oviously. Lets make it short, the idea of multiple Tiers to feed on Patreon makes me panick way too much right now, so i decided instead of having everything paused until i get my head straight (wich could be indefinatly, i don't know) i instead trim everything down to one Tier for now. 

This is the moment where i yet again have to highlight how far your support propelled me over the last couple of years. My Hardware setup basically went from "basically working cobbled together ten year old hardware" to High End and top Notch. Never again will i have to think about how i could possibly finish render an animation i made, everything just works <3  Plus i was able to put some money towards paid addons and additional online courses. I feel i learned and advanced so much over the last couple of years, and i certainly can put all that to better use than i have been. 

I want to thank each and everyone of you for that, if you are able to donate money on the Patreon, or simplya kind word every now and then. You people have been nothing but amazing to me and i love you all :)

For now i'll continue the Patreon with the one dollar Tier only, with everything available there. That won't mean i plan on releasing less content going forward - Hopefully it will be the opposite. I already have been busy, working on a Blender fur tutorial over the last couple of weeks that is already on youtube, link coming up in following post.



Sounds like "imposter syndrome" to some degree. Just understand that people may support specific artists because it lets them see their art (or see it sooner) and some people might drop off Patreon if that artists stops producing art regularly, but I think most people support artists on Patreon (and other sites) because they want to help. You should never feel obligated to "make progress". And having multiple pricing tiers gives people the chance to select how much they want to support you. If you had like a $50/mo tier and people in that tier expected to see game updates regularly and you didn't, maybe they'd stop supporting you or maybe they'd move to a lower tier to support you slightly less, but that gives your supporters control over how much they want to support you. Don't be afraid of having multiple tiers. Regardless, you've done some fun stuff and I look forward to what you might produce in the future and I'm happy to support you in at least some small way.