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I’m afraid the Dungeons of Sex game isn’t working out. I’m very sorry to tell you that i finally have decided to cancel the game altogether. I don’t see anything worthwhile coming out of it in the foreseeable future.

I have put quite some time and effort into it, and it breaks my heart to do this. On the other hand, i don’t feel anyone is benefiting from me forcing a project wich isn’t going to see the light of day in any reasonable amount of time.

I have paused all Patreon payments as of now.

I’ve been in a weird headspace lately, and it isn’t going to change any time soon. Quite some life changing stuff has happened. I don’t feel like the Person that started this ambitious project anymore, and i also feel i dragged this on too long full well knowing that i most likely won’t be up to the challenge. I tried my best, but in the end i feel everyone will be benefiting more from me focusing on smaller projects.

I deeply apologize to everybody who expect more to come of this. I am not too sure how i will proceed right now. My job is kind of demanding right now, and i keep on failing to find a reasonable balance between that and the art stuff. I did make quite some content for the game. I think about rendering the animations out into some nice loops for everyone to enjoy or something.



As always, you gotta do what you gotta do to keep yourself happy and healthy and sane. I thought the game, what I played of it, was really fun. If you ever come back to it, I'd be interested in seeing more but don't kill yourself over it.


Game cancellations are never easy, but sometimes they're needed, and that's totally understandable. It's good of you to talk openly about it. Thank you for releasing A Walk Home, and thank you for the work you did on this game! Whether for anything you show to others or not, I hope you do find a good balance of work and creativity that's fulfilling to you, and leaves you feeling energized.